Another Feather in my Cap πŸ†πŸ₯‡πŸ‘πŸ»

I am so so glad to let all my friends on Steemit know that I am now a Certified Astrologer...

This one has been tough for me and I never thought I could do it. It has been a crazy last few days, overload of knowledge and information, still trying to seep in all that I have learned.

Astrology is one subject which has intrigued me since childhood and I always had a lot of curiousness around it, though I had never thought that I will actually learn it someday. But here I am again something that I thought was not possible for me.

I have always loved to accept challenges in life and learn things which seem to be out of my capability.

My first biggest achievement was mastering Crystal Healing and now learning Astrology. I will not say that I can start working on it full fledge as of now, I have a long way to go. But the journey has begun and I am glad that its all falling in place. So I am giving myself a time period of 6 months to master what I have learned and I am looking at being successful in this area. Hoping for best.

So how am I going to use this?
My major reason for learning this is to compliment it with my Crystal Therapy. If I am able to understand a person's weak area of life through their charts I will be able to guide them and give them accurate healing therapies. But I will only start doing this once I am very confident and I have practiced a minimum of 200 charts reading.

A Proud moment

In the last few days I have been a little off track from Steemit and not been able to keep up to my regular pace so sincere apologies to all my friends for that. I have been working on increasing my voting power also because I would like to give good value to my friends through my voting and to an extent I have been successful.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–

My other blogs of Interest

Old People deserve Love, Respect and Peace, and not Struggles
Change your words; Change your mindset
Magic of Crystals #-9 -Holding the Divine Light - Selenite

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