Old people deserve Love, Respect and Peace and not Struggles

A very sad incident occurred couple of days back. It was an encounter with a Cab Driver...

I don’t understand sometimes where the world is going, there is one side who is thriving in all possible ways and then there is another side who has no solace at all. It is so difficult to see these hard facts of life. Whenever I face these kind of instances I really feel how lucky I am to have the life that I have. There are times when I get into a brooding mode for little things and then when I encounter like what I did they make me realise that I am very privileged and a blessed one.

Image Source:Pixabay

A couple of days back I was getting back home from a dinner and I had to take a cab. A cab was passing by, I stopped it and got into it, I was a little busy on my phone hence without lifting my head I told the driver my destination. After almost half the distance I realized that he was going at a very slow pace almost at a speed of 30, so I kept my phone away and checked with him, what was the matter? He replied back in a very frail voice that he will drive little fast but he can’t go more faster. I could figure out from behind that he was a very old man and his hands were also trembling while driving, I was finding something very odd, so I did not push him much, then very curiously I asked him what his age was. He said he was 83 Years old, It was a shock for me, I could not believe that a person of this age also had to work for a living. I asked him why he is working at such a very old age and he told me that his son was not working, he was on alcohol so he had no choice but to earn to support the family of his son. The way he said was Madam what to do if I don’t earn what the children will eat. It was so heart breaking. I was almost in my tears. I told him – I would like to help him financially in some way, and to my utter surprise he refused to take any help. He said please give me only what is the earning from the drive and nothing more as a help. He also said, today one time you will help me then after that what, I don’t want to get dependent on easy money. I asked for his phone number, if I could do something for him on a long term basis, poor man did not even have that. He seemed so much dejected with life, he said “Let it be Madam, you heard me is more than enough”

He was little hard in his words but I can completely understand why he must be like that after going through all the pain in life.

So much of dignity he held for himself, which I don’t see it even in the younger people who are so much capable of everything.

It was really very heart-breaking to see a person reaching at this stage of life and still fighting for survival needs. And it’s a shame on the government policies that when they think of all the economic development they overlook the very basics. The son of this elderly man the biggest culprit, I have no words for such people, they are utter disgusting that they cannot take care of their old parents.

I wish the man get some relief and I hope that the younger generation is more sensitive towards the old people in their families and treat them with love, care and respect.

Image Source:Pixabay

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

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