Magic of Crystals #9 – Holding the Divine Light - Selenite

Selenite also known as the Angelic Crystal, and is one that is useful for any matters of Heart and Home.

Though Selenite Crystal has been in existence since thousands of years but still not as old as many of the other crystals, hence it is also known as the New Age crystal. The Icy effect that these crystals have makes them a charmer and you cannot stop falling in love with them at first sight.

Its a translucent crystal, usually in white color, but at times also found in orange, blue an green shades. It's a very attractive crystal with soothing energies, personally my favorite too. It's a crystal with very high and fine vibrations. You hold it for 10 to 15 minutes in any situation where you are disturbed and you will for sure relax down in a matter of time.

Selenite is very easy available and not very expensive also, unless you go for the colored ones.

My absoultely gorgeous Orange Selenite Hearts

The folklore of this crystal is quite humorous. It is believed that God took a deep breadth while creating the world, creating the divine light, but as he exhaled the light shattered all over and the Selenite was formed.

Whereas the scientific formation is that with continuous water seepage into the limestone's which dissolves the sulfide ores to produce sulfuric acid which in turn producing evaporated sedimentary rocks, leaving behind the chemicals that were dissolved in them. These chemical that is the calcium mixed up with oxygen and hydrogen helps form Selenite.

It's formation is based on the monoclinic crystal system formation. These formations are with tilted matching faces at opposite ends, which gives it a disfigured rectangle formation. These crystals form as prisms and prisms are good for reorganizing and filtering the light into different wavelengths, which helps bring a smooth flow of energy within us and that is how Senelite crystal gets it properties to be an interface between spirit and matter.

Due to its very unique formation it is almost impossible to get a duplicate piece of Selenite.

A Selenite Lamp gives a very soothing environment to your Home

A large piece of Selenite definitely ensures a peaceful atmosphere at home. There is also a type of Selenite representing a fish tail and these are very good for healing of Nerves. It helps in reducing stress levels, calming down and stabilizing emotions.

Selenite can also help you increase your intuitive abilities and bring forth visions of future in dream forms, for this purpose it is best to be used under a moonlight. It is a delicate crystal and should be handled carefully. It is easily soluble in water and hence one should be careful while cleansing. It is a self cleanser, so you may not need to put it in water. If required just rinse it in running water for couple of seconds.

Selenite is a crystal for higher chakras, i.e. the Third Eye and Crown Chakra, helps in getting rid of negative and unhealthy emotions. Also a very good booster for creative visualizations. People in creative fields do prefer to have one.

My Little Selenite Angel

At a physical level Selenite helps with healing of Nervous system, Reproductive organs and Spine.

Selenite helps working more with the light body, and bringing clarity to your soul purpose. I absolutely love this one and try to have them as many in my house in all different formations.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

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