Clear Negative Emotions and Beliefs

How do negative emotions and beliefs impact our lives ?

We make our belief systems the very core of our life. Hence any kind of negative beliefs creates a block in our life and also leads to a lot of negative emotions.

How is it that we can bring in a change within us to bring ourselves out of this rut?

Reflect on your action, thoughts and emotions closely and consciously. See, do they add any value to your life, do they make you happy or unhappy. If not release them. Let go off yourself loose from the rigidity of your own beliefs and emotions. They are not serving any good to you, they are just gripping you and bringing you down in life. When you become stiff towards situations, people, circumstances in life then that is where you are sowing the seeds of fixed beliefs.

Nothing is constant, there is a continuous evolvement in life hence holding onto anything or fixing up yourself in a particular manner does not serve any good to you.

We all go through experiences in life, some are sweet, some are bitter. We merrily accept the sweetness but the bitterness is something that we get stuck to and we let it keep surfacing time and again bringing out bitterness in the form of emotions and with that strengthen our own belief systems. Having a belief system means fixing up yourself to something very strongly, and when you do this, you miss out on your own capabilities of looking beyond.

I am writing this today as a couple of days back a friend of mine approached me and mentioned that she has become very fearful these days. On digging up a bit and asking her questions I found out that she absolutely had no problems in her own life, but she had been looking at problems of people around her and that was seeping into her. She was forming a belief that old age means it’s going to bring in health issues, financial insecurity, and loneliness. Now this belief that she has been forming has been effecting her mentally and physically.

The problem does not even persist with her, but she is only being influenced by other people’s experiences. This is what most of us do, we do not even go through the experience but we still live in those experiences making it our own self-fulfilling prophecies.

Let go all of them, clear up your space. Add up a lot of positivity in your life with some good reading, positive people, positive thinking. Go with the flow of life, do not get fixated. Keep making some positive affirmations when you see yourself dwelling down. Where there is darkness there will always be light.

Thank you!

Image Source- its a self clicked image of my candle stand

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