Is taking Stress any worth in Life???

A very common word in today's time; STRESS.

Bills, deadlines, responsibilities, share market, crypto market, jobs, studies and end number of other causes in our lives for stress. You hear every second person saying; Oh I am so stressed out these days, and sadly this Stress takes a big toll on our well being, our health and even extending the effects of it on our family and friend's circle.

It so amuses me, these days I hear even kids of 14 and 15 years saying, I am stressed out. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Is taking stress really worth it?
Will you be able to change the situation by taking stress or are things going to be different in any way if you would take stress?

Rather when you feel stressed out you lose on your thinking capabilities. If one can take a situation as is and confronts it, the levels of stress may be much lesser or may not be there at all.

The most common mistake people make is when they are stressed out they withdraw themselves. It is better to talk it out with someone who you are comfortable with and share your feelings, express yourself. You will feel better with it.

Image Source:Pixabay

Some simple ways to reduce and tackle your stress;

  1. Enjoy Music - Music is the best therapy to tackle any stress. Go with your own likes of music, some may like to go with Hard and some may like soft but any form of music is good for the brain relaxation.

  2. Outdoors and Long walks - Getting outdoors, being in nature, connecting with mother earth will soothe your senses, will bring in stability to your mind, will help you with grounding and calming down. A day outing in nature by the beach or in a park, anywhere that you can connect with nature or just going for a long walk in a pleasant place is surely rejuvenating.

  3. Aromatherapy and SPA - It's good to pamper yourselves at times, you can go for a Spa and relax your body and mind, or a nice Aromatherapy at home by lighting up some of your favorite fragrance candles, or using essential oils or fresh herbs will help sooth your senses and bring in stability.

  4. Meditate - Being mindfulness helps increase the positive emotions and giving relief to stress. Meditations calms down your mind, body and soul and helps one release what is not required and unimportant. If one makes meditation a daily practice, you will see that you will have better capabilities at mental, emotional level to deal with stress or any other problems,

Socializing with friends, going out to your favorite club, or dancing, or just having your favorite drink are all some other ways of bringing down your stress levels;

Image Source:Pixabay

Most important is one should confront it and try to get out of it. One should understand that nothing is worth taking stress for in life.

By taking Stress, the end result for the problem or situation is not going to change, rather you may end up with some health issues like headache, indigestion, insomnia, anxiety and many more. An extended period of stress can end you up with some life long health problems. So is it worth it?

When one can think objectively over every situation, the stress levels can drastically reduce.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

"Our Anxiety does not come from thinking about the future;
but from wanting to control it."
Kahlil Gibran

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Yoga A way of Life- The Duality of Purusha and Prakriti #2
Oman Extreme Sailing Series Event 2018
The Bright Side of Life

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