Sensing Energies around you and Protect yourself – Part 1

Have you ever felt spooky when you have come in contact with someone particular or you enter a place and it gives you a very odd feeling. Yes it happens at times that you just don’t feel like being in a particular place or around with a particular person....

Energy of the place and people is very important, especially the place you live in, that is your home and with the people you live with that is your family and the people with who you have regular interactions.

It is very much possible that you will have energy vampires in your own space who will be sucking out all the good energy from you and in-turn giving their bad energy to you.

First of all how will you sense if the Energy is Good or Bad of your place, of your surroundings and of the people.

  1. How is your mood? Do you feel upset all the times or are you always in a happy mood
  2. Do you always feel annoyed or irritated talking with someone.
  3. Do you have aches and pains in your body, or you fall ill almost all the time?
  4. Are you complaining about life all the time?
  5. Do you feel creepy or do you feel positive.
  6. Do you feel drained out after a conversation with someone.
  7. You encounter a person for the very first time and you just don’t want to see the person again
  8. Are you always ready to pick up fights?

There is a possibility that your own energy may also not be good and you behave as an energy vampire for someone else.

Image Source: Pixabay

How can we tackle this and make a positive shift for us. Some of the ways to clear the energy of your space are:

  • Plants: Plants are excellent cleansers of negative energy. If there is any space in your house where you spend maximum time you should have one plant over there.
  • Good Ventilation: Let your house get enough sunlight. As much as your body needs sunlight so does your house. For a couple of hours you keep the windows open and allow the sunlight. It is also one of the natural cleanser.
  • Salt: Salt do have ability to absorb negative energy. Mopping the floor with some salt water is a very good energy cleanser. If mopping is not possible then you can also put bowl of Himalayan rock salt in a corner of the room. Energies get accumulated in the corner of the houses, hence it would be good to take care of all the corners of the home.
  • Declutter: Too much of clutter in the house will block energy flow, keep the house clear of unwanted things. What has not been used for a very long time can be removed.
  • Sage and Incense sticks: Burning them and spreading the smoke around in the house helps cleansing, especially the corners of the house.
  • Lighting a Oil Lamp or Candles: The lighted lamp helps to reflect away all lower energies.
    - Crystals: There are a few crystals which are very good lower and negative energy cleansers. The best is Black Tourmaline.
  • Prayers and Chants: Regular Chanting and Prayers helps to ward off negative energies from your space.

In the Part 2 we will see how we can protect ourselves from Energy Vampires.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

"Your energy introduces you before you even speak."
The Vibrant Mind

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