Sensing Energies around you and Protecting yourself – Part 2

In Part 1 we learned about how to sense energies and how to clear the energy of your space.

In this one we will see how can we protect ourselves from Energy Vampires.

Image Source: Pixabay

Energy Vampires can be anyone, they can be our friends, family, people we know in our surroundings. At times we may not be able to cut off with them and we need to be with them. So in such a situation how is it that we will protect our own self so that our energy does not get impacted....

  • Ground Yourself: This term may sound a little difficult to understand but Grounding means centering yourself. When you are well grounded it becomes difficult for the energy vampires to attack you. Grounding is basically firmly rooting you to mother earth. Grounding Technique is, you sit in a quiet place, visualize thick sturdy roots at the soul of your feet. These roots are strong and penetrating into the ground in a way that nothing can shake you. Visualize them going deep into the ground to the core of the earth, be there for a couple of minutes and then you can end. It’s a 2 to 3 minute exercise but if done twice a day is very helpful....

  • Shield yourself: Grounding is the first layer of protection, and shielding becomes your second one. When you shield yourself you create a bubble around you, which protects you from the outer energy space. You can do the Grounding and shielding together. Once you have done the Grounding Imagine yourself in a white, golden or a purple bubble. Imagine the light penetrating from the top of your head and into your body, completely covering your body in the light and the light coming out of your body and spreading in your space. Imagine yourself completely merged in the light.

  • Regular Meditation: If you are in a practice of daily meditation, nothing can touch you. Your Bio-Auric field will be strong enough to reflect away all lower and negative energies. A daily meditation practice of 20 minutes will work wonders. But please note it does not mean you will not face challenges in life, they will always be there but the way to deal with them will be effective with the practice.

  • Prayers and Chanting: Regular prayers is a very good way to keep your vibrations at a higher frequencies, which in turn will reflect away anything that is not for your good. AUM Chanting daily for 20 minutes is a very powerful way of keeping your vibrations high.

  • Salt water bath: Himalayan Rock Salt or Sea Salts is a very good energy cleanser, Having bath with salt water is very refreshing. You can add the salt in the bath tub, or if shower than after the shower you should apply the salt on the body, let it stay for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash.

  • Crystals: My favorite. Clear quartz, Amethyst, Selenite, Black Tourmalines, Obsidian are some good energy protectors and boosters.

Please note there are lot of other ways also, but these are some simpler and easy ways

Image Source: Pixabay

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

"The energy you bring, positive or negative,
dictates your perceptions, receptions and radiations."
T.F. Hodge

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