Another Update About Our Little Kitty Betty, And Her Broken Leg Ordeal (100% Power Up Post)

This is Betty, rescue kitty from the streets.

She is doing fine, we had our last special trip to the vet a few days ago.

So Betty is no longer in need of IV fluids on a daily basis, and she is eating again, this was a huge worry. Her eating has returned but she is now a lot more fussy about what she wants to eat.

Get a me bit of this now a bit of that, no I don’t like that get me something else, something special the other cat doesn’t get.

She went through a terrifying ordeal falling from the balcony of our fifth floor apartment, and then a bus trip to and from the vet daily, it got to a point where if she saw the blue cat carrier box coming out she would try to get away…of course the leg prevented that.

This is what is in her leg now… Super Kitty!

So our Betty is well on the way to her old self, being passive aggressive sitting in all the spots our other cat likes, and trying to own everything.

A big thank you to all who reached out during this worrying time.

If you are unaware of what happened to Betty you can read it here:

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