Why I Won't Make It Home For My Chamorro Mom's Funeral - The Depressing Realization


I had my heart so set on being home on Saipan for my Chamorro mom's funeral, but I guess the Universe had other plans for me. I haven't made a post since my Thanksgiving Day post, partially because I've been scrambling about trying to raise funds for this trip, including creating a GoFundMe campaign, but also because as the weekend progressed, a very depressing realization hit me.

Yesterday and today have been a huge downer for me, because the realization suddenly hit me, that even if I somehow miraculously managed to raise the money to buy a plane ticket home, I still would not have arrived on Saipan in time for the funeral. The journey home from here takes about three days. Yes, you read correctly, three days. So if I left today I still would not be home until the 29th, a day after my Chamorro mom's funeral.

I've been in such a weird funk since coming to that realization, just staying at home/in bed not really doing anything and not wanting to do anything. The loneliness and depression really set in and kept me from getting anything substantial done. I even managed to muster up the motivation to go to the gym to try to work it all out, but when I got back home the same feelings just set right back in.

So I guess I'm making this post now to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has reached out to me with their love and support ever since I made the post about the tragic news last week. This past week has been rough for me, but the truly unexpected outpouring of support that I have experienced since that post blew up, has been nothing short of phenomenal, and I truly appreciate it all.

I know you all made your donations to me with the idea that you would be helping me get home in time for the funeral, so if you want me to return your money, I am more than willing to do that. The last thing I would want is for you guys to think that I just scammed people into giving me their hard earned money. I do still plan on making a trip home as soon as I am able to, but sadly it won't be by this Tuesday anymore. I am posting screenshots of my wallet transactions below in order to shine a light on every single person who was kind enough to send me donations. You all mean the world to me, and I have so much love and appreciation for you all.

There are no words to fully express the true depth and scope of my love and appreciation that I feel for you, but the least I can do is put your truly unexpected act of kindness on full display for the rest of the Steemit community to see. To anyone reading this post, please consider visiting the following people's profiles and consider showing them some love by following them or checking out their posts.

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Again, so that it's also in clickable text form to make it easier for you all, THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH to the following people who have shown me the kindness of humanity here on the Steemit community:

@hanshotfirst, @kristyyd, @the-alien, @rye05, @borepstein, @arrliinn, @logic, @stickchumpion, @youarehope (and its founder @sircork, please consider casting your witness vote for him!), @jon24jon24, @sunravelme, @dbzfan4awhile, @limabeing, @likedeeler, @clayboyn, @brisby

I guess to end this post, I'll leave you all with this video of me singing "The Impossible Dream" from Man of La Mancha, since this whole thing really was such an impossible dream in the end. It's also my entry for this week's @killerwhale Karaoke Contest, which you can find here and vote on here.

Check out some of my other posts!

What You Need to Know About Telling Veterans "Thank You" on Veterans Day
The Tossed and Forgotten - An Ode to Our Veterans
How I Achieved 200 Followers in My First Month on Steemit
Why I Chose to Invest $100 in Steem
My First Week on Steemit
The Dawn of The Dancing Dreamers
The Dawn of Friendship In a New Age
I'm Just an Island Boy Living in Utah who Loves EDM

!steemitworldmap 40.754539 lat -111.902618 long Salt Lake City, Utah local Steemian! d3scr

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