A Heart of Glass

This is not a book review. This is a friend review. My friend gave me the most beautiful gift earlier this week. First, a little background on her: Her name is Lili West and she will be on Steemit soon. She's a wonder of a woman who lives in the moment yet is dependable. It's rare those two traits go together. Lili is one of my dearest friends. I've spent a fair amount of time with her lately. This is actually unusual for me. Friendships take a very long time for me to get going. I do not trust easily even though I love immediately.

But Lili has a way of bursting every dam. She is a beautiful warrior who has been a blessing in my life. I'm so deeply grateful for her. I expect nothing from her other than friendship. We both give that willingly. Because she has been expecting a baby, I've given her a few gifts lately. I love giving gifts. Lili does too, and she gave me one right back.


What struck me about this is how much love it holds as a thoughtful selection. Lili knows me and my dreams. She knows many of the pieces of Survive Your Story (@surviveyourstory launching soon, so go follow) and my dream of renovating my Story House. That is a project that I've put on pause due to other financial needs in my family, but Lili found a way to keep that dream alive for me.

Story House will be the physical home of my business, Survive Your Story. It is a building on my property I've shared about before. It needs a bathroom, heat and air conditioning, as well as walls and flooring and furniture. As projects go, it's a great one. I look forward to having more control over my classes as well as a dedicated workspace. Because of the size of Story House, I will also be able to support artists with residencies. Basically, this house will be a mother-in-law suite but for everything writing through trauma.

Again, the pause. It had to happen. There are several financial factors currently in the air for our family, medical and otherwise. I have several teaching clients right now which offer me classrooms, etc. I don't need Story House yet. But that doesn't mean I don't want it.

Back to Lili's gift. She said, "I got you something to hang in Story House." I had no idea what it could be. I was puzzling it over until I opened the package she gave me. It is a glass heart with "Survivor" etched into it's center.


Yes, this will ABSOLUTELY have a place in Story House. As will the book she gave me (which I can hardly stand to not be reading right now), Hearts of Glass by Wendy Lawless. But what ices this delicious love cake is her inscription in the book:


Shawna ~

For good luck with your memoir writing, retreat doing, healing work & ultimate success as one of the world's best authors & leaders I know. I am honored. And I love you. Thank you.

Lili West

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Images are my own

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