Is it possible to learn English without going to school? ( English Education - Part 3)

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Today is the third day of my English learning week. In the first two days of this week, I talked about the advantages and disadvatanges of learning English abroad. I would like to show you another side of learning English. There is a big discussion about the existence of language schools.

Is it possible to learn English without going to a language school? Well, it is possible, but it really depends on the motivation and will of the person who wants to learn the language really effectively. If you want to see my previous posts, you are kindly welcome to check them out.

Learning English Abroad, Advantages of it! ( English Education - Part 1 )

Learning English Abroad, Disadvantages of it! ( English Education - Part 2 )

Before telling my opinion about this discussion, I would like to remind you all the importance of motivation. One of the most serious problem that I am facing in my classes is the lack of motivation that many students have. If somebody doesn't want to do something, you can't force that person. An English learner must be fully motivated to have a successful learning life.

If you are interested in learning English, you shouldn't forget this. It is possible to learn English without going to schools as we are in the age of technology, but we shouldn't forget that people also need some coaching support like I do in my work to have more efficient learning process.



Watching Movies in English

As many of us have internet, it is really logical to use it efficiently. There are lots of app that can help you to learn English. As you could see in the first picture, there is British council which is really helpful for adults and kids. That is not all we can do to learn the language. You can simply watch a movie in English and learn how English is used in daily life. English is not a lesson like maths. It has got deep diversity that is waiting to be explored. Watching a movie in English is one of the best ways to achieve it.

When we are watching a movie, we shouldn't only enjoy the theme of it. We must always be on alert to learn some useful phrases and take some notes so that we can use them later. If it is possible, we should have a partner whom we can practice what we are learning through this process. Movies are really great sources as they give you chance to watch, listen and read at the same time. I would recommend you to watch them with subtitles at the the beginning.



Reading Loudly

Reading is also helpful If you want to reach your dreams by yourself. While reading a text, it is important what sources you are reading. News, books or just some colourful magazines can be your sources. As long as they get your interest, you should read them. I would recommend you to start with some beginner level books not to force yourself too much. You will get better as you keep reading more and more.

Reading loudly is important since it enables to you hear the pronunciation that you make. As you read the same words again and again, it will help you to improve your speaking skills. We shouldn't forget that all these activities such as reading, watching , listening and speaking are all connected , so when you do one of them, you actually improve others as well.

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Writing A Diary

After getting all useful phrases from the sources that you are reading, listening and watching, it is time to see them on paper. One of the best ways to improve your writing is writing a diary and maybe showing them to person who you think is good at English. Even though you may use the same expressions every day, it is still important as repetition is a key point in improving your English

Writing a diary will keep you updated on a regular basis and help you expand your vocabulary with grammar together. You will want to use some phrases and so look for some sources online to use them in your writing texts. That is a really good and triggering practise to activate your English knowledge.




Travelling is one of the best way to learn English. Just grab your backpack and flight tickets. Then, you can feel yourself lost in a beautiful city that you would like to see a lot. Don't forget to do this on your own as it is important to be exposed to the language. When there is a person near you who is speaking your mother tongue, you will have tendency to talk to that person in your own language which is not good at all. There are many people who are learning English through this way.

As a final note, it is possible to learn it If you follow the key steps that I mentioned in this post. I hope, they will be useful for you and people around you. If you have any questions or comments, please post below so that we can discuss, have a nice day!


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