Trump wins the election - so should we panic? (Spoiler: No!)


There seem to be a lot of people talking about the US election and I just wanted to add my 2 cents as my American friends say.

Last night @skeptic was taking bets on Trump winning.

Everyone expected Hillary to win so it seemed like a safe bet for those that were betting against him. Personally I had a feeling (as I stated then) that Trump would win and said that I did not want to bet against him.

It just seemed likely to me that he would win.

Why did he win? - My thoughts

  1. People are fed up with politicians.
  2. They feel like they have no voice.
  3. They don't feel they are listened to and are looked down on by those in power.
  4. Voting for Trump (like the Brexit vote) is basically sticking a finger up (US style) to the people in power.

Are the people that voted for him racist, sexist, homophobes?

Some of them probably are BUT I believe the vast majority are NOT.

I believe this is a protest vote. People's hatred of Hillary meant that they would have voted for anyone except her.

Even her own party don't like her.

It seems even people from the very groups that Trump was attacking voted for him rather than voting for her.

Why would they do that? I don't think they would vote for someone that they truly believed was going to persecute them:

I don't think the general public are as stupid as people pretend

They don't take the political and pre election rhetoric seriously anymore and they realise that a politician (even a new one like Trump) will say whatever it takes to get elected. It bears little relation to what will actually happen once they get into power.

As we have already seen Trump has toned things down and changed his tone since winning.

That is exactly what I expected.

My personal belief is that in this modern globalised world the president or prime minister has very little say on the day to day running of the world.

  • I think people are aware of my opinions on corporate and banking control so I won't go off on a long discourse about that - I just don't think politicians have much say any more, not even the ones at the top of the political tree.

I would be absolutely shocked if anything changed significantly with Trump as president because there are limits to what he can do even if he wanted to make a significant change. I am not convinced that he did though:

Trump is not as much of a buffoon as he pretends to be

I think he played the political game that he needed to play and we will start to see more reasonable behaviour from him as time goes on.

His victory speech is a good example of a more conciliatory and measured tone.

I should be just the kind of person who should be panicking over Trump but I'm not

I love visiting America and have visited at least a dozen times over my life.

As a brown skinned person with a Muslim name I should be absolutely terrified of ever visiting the US again shouldn't I?

Of course not.

I'm not going to change my behaviour and I am not worried about anything changing. I think the people who are panicking over this are being a bit silly and premature.

Does this mean I like Trump?

No. I think he is probably a complete scumbag but it seems to be almost a prerequisite for the job.

That is not reason to think apocalyptically though.

Let's just wait and see what happens.

I'm not a fan of Obama but he did make a good point when he said that the sun would still rise after the election.


I've made my point and I wanted to keep this brief.

I see the US election result as a protest vote and a poke in the eye to the establishment. Trump is probably not a good guy - but I can't think of a politician who is.

The world will probably not be ending.

As always I could be completely wrong but I doubt it.

Things will go back to normal soon and little will change.

We will still be servants to our corporate overlords and the progressive erosion of our civil liberties and privacy will continue without interruption.

Thank you for reading.

Photo Credits: All photos are taken from my personal stock photography account with

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