10 unMEAN sTWEETs About How To Break Free From Smoking Cigarettes!!!

 This how we would normally put it:

The most dangerous butt on Earth is "A Cigarette Butt"!

Have you really taking time to pay more attention to that cigarette pack? Many who smoke don't know how to spell the word "Cigarette". No doubt, many smokers are their teens. In the Philippines, kids smoke endlessly. Ofcourse, they don't know about it, being a dangerous butt. 

There are also those that want out! The want to stop and some just can but others go off and on or in and out. Others turn to vapes to gradually quit! 

Here are 10 unMEAN sTWEETs About How To Break Free From Smoking Cigarettes:

1. Are Cigarettes That Expensive?

@rynow said this 6 months ago:

Hi @giantbear
I have never smoked, thus I will not be able to relate to your post. My brother and his wife both smoked a packet a day and decided to stop and  saved the money religiously. With the saved money, they could afford a  holiday each year. 

2. Is It Really Possible To Quit Smoking One-Time Big-Time?

@surfermarly said this 8 months ago:

I think I stopped smoking about 157 times in my  life :-)) The key is to stay strong one day and don´t go back. Life is  too wonderful to leave it earlier than necessary....

3. Is It Even Hard To Quit Smoking?

@team-leibniz related his experience in this comment, 8 months ago:

I  was never a smoker, thankfully. Most of the men in my family are  though, and have had so many troubles quitting over the years. My brother still does, but a blocked artery basically was the cold turkey to get my father to stop almost a year back. I will not pretend to understand the allure of this addiction, but know it is serious and a very big deal to be able to actually quit. For me, I could care less if cold turkey or gradually. Just stopping entirely is awesome.

4. Have  you read the book by Allen Carr: Easy Way to Stop Smoking? 

@michal gave a tip in this comment from 8 months ago:

Have  you read the book by Allen Carr: Easy Way to Stop Smoking? I have never  smoked in my life, but I loved the book for its psychological insight  (which doesn´t contradict your views as far as I can see... well there  is a difference: you say you were a happy smoker, and he says there are  no happy smokers). I was so enthralled by the book that I started  smoking electronic cigarettes in order to try the book out... (Smoking  real cigarettes would have been too much...) Now I have no plans. I  don´t think that nicotine itself (without all the other chemicals) is  actually very addictive though, I feel kind of disapointed...

5. Can Quitting Smoking Be Tasking Too?

@contentjunkie left this piece 8 months ago:

Quitting smoking is not easy and it's not entertaining. It is hard  work. Possibly some of the hardest work you will ever have to do in your  life.

6. Do Teenagers Smoke Too? 

@ianstrat stated his worry here, 2 months ago:

If only teenagers knew how addictive smoking is  they would never start. I quit 2 years ago but unfortunately I am still  hooked on nicotine as I have to have nicorette spray with me all the  time.
Good luck but you will have some bad nicotine withdrwal days so be prepared

7. When You Quit Can You Have A Relapse?

@samstonehill stated his experience here, 2 months ago:

Yes, I've done it once before for for  a total of 18 months and mostly kept myself busy with exercise.  Not  sure why I started again??? 

8. How About Practical DIY Ways To Quit Smoking?

@lennstar laughed it off in her comment here, from 6 months ago:

I  always thought that simply not putting cigarettes in your mouth (and putting them out the moment you notice you still did) was the easiest  way.
It helps if you don't have any fire making instrument in reach.
If you need to, write on it or wrap something around saying "don't smoke you loser!"

9. Still Can't Stop Smoking! What Else?

@kiwideb admonished this, 6 months ago:

You could also try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - that can make it easier.

10. Can You Turn Cigarette Smell Into A Turn-Off?

@playfulfoodie said this about smoke 2 months ago:

I don't smoke, myself. I hated the smell, so now I have a big disliking to anything smoke-related.

Incase, you want to quit smoking and want to do it with a group; @samstonehill has an intiative to help: 

New Steemit incentive to quit smoking as a group!

Disclaimer: This post is very resteemable!  

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