20 questions with John Goehrke (the guy who landed a date with Genie Bouchard)

Tom Brady may have walked away as Super Bowl LI MVP, but many are calling John Goehrke the true hero from this past Sunday.


Around half-time of the big game, John noticed a Tweet from Canadian tennis star, Eugenie Bouchard. With Atlanta having a 21-3 lead, Bouchard stated, "I knew Atlanta would win btw." John tested her confidence, asking her if she would go on a date with him if the Patriots came back and won. "Sure," replied Bouchard. (My earlier blog post broke down the interaction.)

As we all know, the Patriots accomplished the unthinkable, and John's clever wager has landed him a date with one of the world's most attractive athletes. And Bouchard has said she plans to make good on her word and follow through with the date.

I reached out to the kid from Chicago to find out a bit more about him. What went through his mind when Genie took him up on his bet? How many Twitter followers has he gained in the last 48 hours? And does he intend to pay for dinner?

Meet the guy who used 140 characters to land himself the most talked about blind date of 2017.

20 questions with John Goehrke


1 - How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

John - I'm a very competitive person.

2 - How long have you been a fan of Eugenie Bouchard?

John - I've been a fan since her run at Wimbledon in 2014.

3 - Did you expect Genie to respond when you Tweeted her, suggesting the two of you go on a date if the Pats win?

John - I thought she might respond, but thought there was no way she'd say, "Yes."

4 - What went through your mind when she responded, “Sure”?

John - I was in shock and immediately texted all my closest friends about what was happening.


5 - Was the second half of this year’s Super Bowl the most exciting game you’ve ever watched, considering the stakes?

John - Second most exciting game behind Cubs game 7, because I'm a huge Cubs fan.

6 - Have you heard personally from Genie or any of her representatives yet?

John - I have not heard from her yet, but she did do an interview earlier today saying she will go through with it.



7 - What are you planning for the date?

John - The date with depend on where we end up meeting, but it'll will probably consist of a dinner and something fun.

8 - Are you planning to pay?

John - She mentioned in the interview she may fly me out somewhere, but yes, I'm prepared to pay for everything.

9 - How many people have contacted you since last night’s Twitter exchange?

John - I'd say at least 10 to 15 media members have contacted me as of today, as well as a large number of friends and family.

10 - As of right now, you have 1,377 Twitter followers. How many did you have before the conversation with Genie?

John - I think about 150, haha.

11 - Do you think you’ll be nervous on the date?

John - I think I'll be nervous off the bat, but she seems like a very nice person so I don't think it will take long to be comfortable. I'll be more excited than nervous.


12 - What’s your favorite thing about Genie?

John - I don't really have one favorite thing. I like that she's young (close to my age),competitive, and beautiful.

13 - What has been your friends’ and family’s reactions to this?

John - My friends and family are loving it and think it's so cool and funny and just want to know about what's going to happen.

14 - Who is your favorite sports team?

John - Chicago Cubs are my favorite team.

15 - What do you study in school?

John - Marketing.

16 - Do you typically bet on sports?

John - Occasionally.

17 - What sorts of messages have you been receiving from others on social media since your Twitter conversation with Genie?

John - A lot of people are saying they wish they had thought of this first and things like, "This guy is the real MVP of the Super Bowl."

18 - In the past, Genie has said she has a crush on Justin Bieber. What are your thoughts on this?

John - I'm completely fine with that. I think Bieber is cool.

19 - Do you play any tennis?

John - I don't play very often but I have played and I do like to follow it.

20 - What is one thing very few people know about you?

John - Honestly, very few people knew how much I liked Genie, haha.

Thanks so much to John for sharing the details regarding his epic Tweet.

As always, thanks to all of you for taking the time to read.

Who would you like to see me throw 20 questions at? Drop me a comment below and I'll work on setting up the interview.

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