Being bullied turns you into a serial killer?

Is being bullied a good reason for being a bully?

Is it true children who are bullied will grow up as a serial killer?

Henry Lee Lucas, a serial killer and diagnosed psychopath said he was bullied.
Kenneth Bianchi, an other serial killer, said he was teased as a child because he urinated in his pants and was ignored by his peers as a teenager and also Robert Hansen (responsible for the murder of 17 women in Alaska) said he was bullied as a child. Fact is many children are bullied and they do not all turn into bullies and serial killers!

They say serial killers (mainly men), were frequently bullied

through direct and indirect methods as children or adolescents,
but if it comes to being bullied, this happens to both genders. Generally speaking girls/women are even bullied way more and longer as boys/men.
How come women seldom do turn into bullies and serial killers as they get older?

At the American Psychological Association (APA) its Annual Convention was concluded

that those who have been chronically bullied are more likely to be convicted of a crime (study by Michael G. Turner, PhD, a criminologist and professor at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte).
Almost 14 percent of those who reported being bullied repeatedly from childhood through their teens ended up in prison as adults.
This might be true, but this does not mean those almost 14 percent is a serial killer as well.

Fact is also that over 86 percent does NOT end up in prison!

Still the study found that those who were bullied from childhood into their teens were more likely to be convicted compared to those who were only bullied as children, as teens or not bullied at all.

Peter Vronsky does not agree with this study

as you can read in his book:
Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters (2004).
Children who are serial killers in the making their common ways to act on their murder fantasies is to torture animals and bully their peers!

Personally I do believe it’s just one ingredient (DNA) in combination with low self esteem, aggression, environment and envy, that turns children into bullies and serial killers and being bullied is just an excuse.


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Is it true what they say (state) about bullies?


Are you a bully?


Your status is not complicated, you are


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