How to recognize a bully

Is it true what they say (state) about bullies?

Yes you can recognize a bully by his/her certain behaviour and appearance since he/she is;

  • is likely to be aggressive (so it is not black humour or a bad mood once in a while we are talking about),
  • has a lack of social skills (what ever that may be),
  • thinks negative (that glass is always half empty plus the whole world is against him/her),
  • experiences difficulties in solving social problems (so some helpers are welcome to do so and those who can solve problems are seen as a threat and should be destroyed),
  • comes from a negative family, school and community environments (birds of a feather I guess, so a small chance parents or school will wash the bully his/her ears firmly.),
    and is
  • noticeably rejected (yes if it comes to it a bully is unpopular, a BIG loser but he/she still exists and knows how to instruct his/her mob and... gets the so wanted revenge),
  • might have a brain damage (not a reason to accept this kind of behaviour).


Does it make a victim feel better if he/she knows how to recognize a bully

Personally I have doubts about that.
To my opinion, and personal experiences, not all bullies do have low self esteem. The narcissist and psychopath for example has not. Also the more intelligent a bully is, the more dangerous.

My advise: stay alert, work on your own self esteem and beware!

Keep in mind that even those who do not show aggression and are kind at the start can turn out to be the best bullies and even serial killers, in the world!

Serial killers say they were frequently bullied through direct and indirect methods as children or adolescents.

Henry Lee Lucas, a serial killer and diagnosed psychopath,

said the ridicule and rejection he suffered as a child caused him to hate everybody.
####Kenneth Bianchi, a serial killer and member of the Hillside Stranglers,
was teased as a child because he urinated in his pants and suffered twitching, and as a teenager was ignored by his peers.
_ It is realised from these recent studies that individuals who were previously involved in a violent childhood whom was effected mentally and emotionally due these experiences later rationally adapts this violent behaviour and provokes other victims._
If this all is true I have a very good reason to be a bully and serial killer myself. My childhood is a very good excuse for that. How about yours?

Like to know more about me? Please read my other posts.

Being bullied turns you into a serial killer?


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