Medical care is hard to get

A good friend became seriously ill.

He was a huge, strong man. Within less as 4 weeks time he lost 30 pounds. His wife was worried and asked their doctor to pay him a visit. The doctor refused.
Two days later, after more phone calls, a doctor did show up. He said it was just the flue.
Next day he was in such a bad health the wife called 112 (emergency).

They refused to send an ambulance over because only a doctor should be allowed to make that call.

It was also not allowed to go to the ER by themselves.

An other 2 days passed by and one of the daughters decided to call her doctor. She told him her dad was nearly in coma.
Now a doctor was willing to pay a visit and was willing to examine the dad. And no it was not the flue and it was emergency for sure. The doctor called an ambulance.

My friend arrived just in time into the hospital.

Since there were no beds available he had to stay overnight on the ER and they gave him a catheter. Next day the hospital had partly to close down because of a power failure. An other day later they discovered my friend his kidneys nearly stopped. Reason?

Within 1 week time he was send back home.

Sent home with a catheter, too weak to stand on his own feet. They would deliver some protein drinks at his home.

By now it is 3 weeks later. My friend still has the catheter which is very painful and needs to be changed every 6 weeks. It is possible he needs one for the rest of his life.

The function of his kidneys are still low.

Nobody seems to know or care how come.
It turned out that his prostate is also not ok. So he needs to be operated. This is not possible as long as his kidneys are not functioning well enough.
My friend is still very weak and the doctor his advice is to exercise more.

If you believe medical care like this is typical for a country in the third world I have to disappoint you. This is the kind of medical care you get in the Netherlands if you are lucky enough.


Like to know more about me? Please read my other posts.

My family is not "flattered" by me. They say I am a monster


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