Why do you hate Mondays?

Mondays have done nothing wrong to anybody and yet people are stuck in their hate towards them. To be perfectly honest, there was a time when I wasn't too happy about them either but even then it had nothing to do with them and everything to do with me and my general attitude towards capitalism and life itself. Oh, what a silly little bird a was, a Jon Snow person that knows nothing and a young Jedi that has much to learn...

Working 9 to 5

No, I am not talking about the Dolly Parton song, but I just might be. Maybe you are a step on the boss man's ladder, and maybe you just hate capitalistic society and believe the world has touched the bottom of the barrel. Do you want to hear a bittersweet truth? There is nothing wrong with capitalism or the world for that fact, you are the one who has problems and Mondays have absolutely nothing to do with it.

“Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.”
Germany Kent

I honestly think that people who work 9 to 5 can be satisfied with their lives only if they truly enjoy their job. When you wake up at seven to get ready till eight and then travel until nine, work till five and then travel back and arrive home at six in the afternoon, your day is pretty much over because you have little or no time for yourself considering you have some obligations and responsibilities to your house and family members. On the other hand, if you love your job, you are not really working. You are playing and enjoying life. If you love your job, you are one of the lucky and brave people who have learned how to get paid for doing something they enjoy. I am very happy and proud of you.

"If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life."
Marc Anthony

What is a dream job?

We all have different qualities and different dreams. You are a person that carries knowledge and competence, and you have all the potential needed regarding your best future self. All you have to do is become aware of it. Luck and bravery have nothing to do with it.

There are 7.5 billion people in the world. What you got is what someone else is looking for. Your marketplace is massive and this is a great time to be alive. There is nothing you can imagine doing that you can not succeed in. There is a possibility for occasional bump in the road but you will see it as a challenge, and not an obstacle. A dream job is not really a job. It is your fun activity from which you are earning money. By having a dream job, Mondays are your friends because they are here as new opportunities for you to revel in your majestic life. When I started doing what I love, a couple of years back, I learned that I could get tired physically without getting tired mentally. That was a joyful revelation to me.

Only YOU are stopping YOU

The majority of us had been brought up and educated that you have to work hard to make money because it does not grow on trees. You have to suffer to be successful and even when you suffer and work hard there is no guarantee that you will make something out of yourself because the world is a cruel place with bad people in charge of it. You were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth or under a lucky star. It even goes so far that you probably heard your friends or family members talk about people with money in a very negative way. If a person has money he is a criminal, royalty or just corrupt. There is no honest way to earning a decent living. Even religion is backing them up by saying you are a better person if you have less material things. Allow me to be blunt honest for a moment. Those are all excuses. It is always easier to blame someone else instead of ourselves. On that note, if you were raised with those sayings, do not blame your parents. They did the best they could with what they got. Your parents love you and want to protect you. In their best intentions, they transferred their beliefs onto you in a wish you will not get disappointed and earn enough money to stay alive and out of trouble. Now is your time to do some self-realization and step out of the parents' nest.

When you hate your job, you are doing it because you are chasing money and when you are doing what you love, money becomes less important. You stop caring about if you have it or not. It is no longer your main reason for living. The accumulation of it is not your main reason for getting out of bed. You will learn, however, that in some magical way, it does come. Without caring about money, you will be earning it because your attention will be on something else and used in a more productive way than worrying. When you love your job, you will happy with 5, 500 and 500 000 euros because you will not be doing it because of the money. There will be a shift of causality.

You will no longer work because you want to make money.
You will make money because you want to work.

Keep your smile on

Am I getting boring with that Keep your smile on sentence that somehow finds its way to my every post? Did you get how important that advice actually is and how much educational value it carries? What is the purpose of life? Are we here to work and pay our bills until we die? Are we here to suffer, cry and hate Mondays? NO! We are here to live life. We are here to enjoy and bask in the expansion of our experience. Our existence is extraordinary and divine in its nature. We are made of stardust that created the Universe. Our bodies are so complexed and exquisite with abilities we tend to forget how to use when we should be amazed by everything we are able to do and do it more often. We should be amazed by ourselves and everything that surrounds us. We should enjoy life and keep our smiles on.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.”
Albert Einstein

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