Project loveletters #2 - Her response


Noordwijkerhout, 12-8-78

Cher Jesús

Merci pour ta lettre, J’ai compris Presque tout que tu m’ecri. Je veux ecrire en français pour toi, parsque tu comprends tout peut-être.
Tu ne doit pas attention ma mauvais francais. C’est vendredi le soir comme je commence cette lettre. J’ai reçu ta letter aujourd’hui.

J’était seul a la maison et j’avais rien de faire. C’est pourquoi je resoudais escrire a toi. J’ai lit que tu arrive a ta maison, mais j’ecrit cette letter a l’adresse ou tu as ton service. Cette letter ne vient pas à temps a ton adresse de maison. Tu sais que je voulais escrire a toi, avant que je reçu ta lettre? Je voulais attendre jusqu’a ce que le photos de nous deux c’etait fini, mais ces photos etait mal réussi (tu comprend?)
Mon petit frère aussi prend une photo de nous deux, mais cette photo ne fini pas encore, Comme tu as vu, j’avais ajouté deux photos de moi seul. Comme tu ne trouve pas les photos gentil, tu as la permission de déchirer. Les photos de quoi tu m’ecri, je les voulais avec plaisir.

Tu m’ecri quelque chose de 25 jours les vacances. Cela je n’avais pas bien compris. Soudain tu escrit en espagnol. Tu sais que je ne parle pas un mot francais, donc cela je ne compris pas.
En Espagne je le trouve tres joli, surtout quand tu etait la. Je le trouve méchant quand je devais retourne à la maison.


Je devais travailler le lundi. Je n’avais pas envie de travailler.
Dans le discotheque MADDOX il était aissu tres amusant. Une telle chose n’est pas ici. Dans la village Noordwijk, c’est tous prés de notre village, il y a que si les discotheques et les bars mais ce n’est pas de la sorte amusant comme Maddox.

Je te veux dire que je le trouve tres difficile d’ecrire cette lettre en francais.
J’espere que tu comprit tout.
La date que tu voit au dessus de cette lettre, cela de samedi, carJ’ai traduis cette lettre le samedi.
Le prochain fois j’ecris une lettre en anglais. C’est le plus facile pour moi. Tu peut ecrire en français.
Tu m’avait envoyer une carte postale et je veux envoyer aussi une carte postale à toi.
Maintenant je veux finir cette lettre. J’espere que tu m’ecrit encore une letter biêntot.

Veel liefs (Hollandais)


Dear Jesus

Thank you for your letter, I understood just about everything that you wrote me. I want to write French for you, because you understand it all maybe.
Don’t pay attention to my bad French. It is Friday evening as I begin this letter. I received your letter today.

I was alone at home and had nothing to do. That is why I decided to write to you. I have read that you come to your house, but I write this letter to the address where you have your service.
This letter does not come in time to your home address. You know that I wanted to write to you, before I got your letter? I wanted to wait until the photos of both of us were finished, but these pictures were badly done (do you understand?)
My little brother also took a picture of the two of us, but this photo is not yet finished, As you can see, I have added two photos of me alone. If you do not find the photos nice, you have permission to tear them. The pictures that you mention, I want them with pleasure.

You write something about 25 days vacation. That I did not quite understand. Suddenly you write in Spanish. You know I do not speak a French word, so I do not understand.

In Spain I find it very pretty, especially when you were there. I found it bad when I had to go back home. I had to work on Monday. I did not want to work.

In was a lot of fun in the nightclub MADDOX. There is no such thing here. In Noordwijk village, it's all near our village, there are only nightclubs and bars but it's not as fun like Maddox.

I want to say that I find it very difficult to write this letter in French. I hope you understand everything.

The date you see above this letter, it’s that of Saturday, because I translated this letter on Saturday.

The next time I will write a letter in English. That is the easier for me. You can write in French.

You sent me a postcard and I also want to send a postcard to you.
Now I want to finish this letter. I hope you write me a letter again soon.

Veel liefs (dutch means, with love)

What is Project #loveletters?

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You can also read the other letters here:

Letter #1

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection

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