The Make It Healthy Project MAGAZINE: Issue #8 - Tips and Tricks for Good Health!


-  "At Home with Woman-onthe-Wing"  -  Recipe of the Week  -  Food Facts  -  This Week's Top Tips from Nature  -  Good for the Soul  -  Steemit Voices  -  Posts from the Steemit Community  -  Initiatives/Projects/Contests I Support  -  How YOU Can Get Involved  -  Previous Issues  -  About  -

Last night I dreamed I found a kitten... And today I found this kitten!  No kidding!!!

There REALLY IS GOLD At The End Of That Infamous Irish Rainbow!  I've Found It! 

"STEEMIT VOICES" #3: An Interview with Personal Trainer & Nutrition Consultant @plantstoplanks

"An Ode To The Un-Boringness of Salads..."

Mushroom & Tempeh Tacos by @plantstoplanks

For the original post & full directions, please click here!

We all know that old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"... but is there any truth to it?  

Apples are best known for their high levels of antioxidants, their anti-inflammatory properties, high-fibre content, and their role in aiding weight management.

Regular apple-eating has been linked to lowering cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and cancer (to name a few).

Nutritionally, apples are low in calories, salt and fat, and the soluble fibre absorbs water thus sating the appetitie pretty well.  Good news for anyone wanting to lose weight without having to tolerate constant belly-rumbling!    

I treat the outside of my body with as much love as I give to the inside of my body, and that means no toxic chemicals.  Wherever possible I make homemade alternatives to commercial products, using only natural ingredients.  

Many of us forget how absorbent our skin is, and when we apply a load of chemicals to it they soak in and do all kinds of damage, whether we realise it or not.

One of the homemade products I have been making for a few years now is deodorant.  It's effective (I wouldn't use it if it wasn't!) and very easy to make.  The ingredients can be obtained from any natural/wholefoods shop, or online - just make sure you go for certified organic, as 'natural' or 'pure' don't necessarily mean they're natural or pure!

For my HOMEMADE NATURAL DEODORANT RECIPE please click the link!

Music is wonderful soul food.  Whatever our mood, there's a genre to suit.  

Motivational to melancholic, rousing to relaxing, stimulating to spiritual.  

Listening to music affects us both mentally and physically - altering moods, raising or lowering blood pressure, quickening or slowing heart rate, regulating stress-related hormones, boosting immune function, strengthens memory (and can help the return of lost memories), it even affects our brain waves.  Quite incredible really!

EXTRACTS FROM #3: An Interview with Personal Trainer & Nutrition Consultant @plantstoplanks

---  For the FULL INTERVIEW please click THIS LINK!  ---

How long have you been a personal trainer and nutrition consultant, and what lead you to this line of work? 

I have been a personal trainer for 9 years. Though my original certification covered basic nutrition, I got a more specific nutrition and wellness certification 3 years ago. When I first started out I focused solely on the fitness side of things, but quickly realized you need both to get results. The studio I used to work for started implementing a nutrition program about 3 years into my training that was designed by a registered dietitian. That was when I really started taking a more active role in studying nutrition and talking to clients more about it. I also plan on getting a holistic nutrition certification in the next year because I am so passionate about how much of an impact food can have on healing.

What would your typical daily exercise regime look like?  Do you exercise every day?

This generally depends on if I am training for a particular race,  though I generally workout in some way 5-6 days a week. I always take completely off at least one day a week to rest and let my body recover.  People do not realize that recovery is just as important as working out.  This season I have focused on the half marathon distance, so I cut back my strength training to mostly 3 days per week so I can get in at least 3 solid running days. If I am not doing as much running or I’m training  for shorter distances, I usually like to do at least 4 days per week in  the gym.

What kind of motivation tactics are most effective in getting people to increase their physical activity? 

I think one of the biggest things is finding what you enjoy. I  love lifting weights and running because they both make me feel good, but someone else may love Zumba because they like dance. The beautiful thing about fitness is there are so many options to find what works for you! Martial arts, yoga, pilates, aqua aerobics, swimming, biking, walking, tennis...the list goes on and on. Of course I do feel very strongly about finding a balance between some strength work, cardio, and  flexibility, but those can all be achieved in a number of ways. If you pick some things you like to do and make you feel strong and fit, then you will be more likely to make it a habit.

---  Full Interview HERE!  ---

If you have something to say about health that can benefit others, please contact me to arrange an interview, either in the comments thread below or privately on Steemit.Chat.

---  All posts appropriately tagged with #makeithealthy will feature in a weekly Make It Healthy TRAIL post.  If posting recipes, please remember not to use any processed, refined or artificial ingredients, as I only promote food good for our bodies ---

For the last week of #makeithealthy posts from the Steemit community, please click the link below:

Make It Healthy TRAIL: Health Inspiration from the Steemit Community!

-  "Fruits & Veggies Monday Competition" hosted by @lenasveganliving

-  "Vegan Wednesday Challenge" hosted by @heart-to-heart

-  Various Vegan Contests (new themes posted regularly) hosted by @deliciousplants

-  "The Steem Running Project" by @runningproject

-  MSP Waves Radio - The Alternative Lifestyle Show by @pennsif

* If you're interested in featuring on @pennsif's show, leave a comment below or contact @pennsif via his Steemit blog or Discord

To find out how you can get involved in the project, please see this post for full details.  All good-quality, informative and original posts tagged with #makeithealthy will feature in a weekly Make It Healthy TRAIL post for the benefit of the community.

Issue #7

Issue #6

Issue #5

Issue #4

Issue #3

Issue #2

Issue #1

I'm a wife and mother (and cat mama), qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse, vegetarian, former host of the Steemit Culinary Challenge, and have been blogging about health on Steemit since Aug 2016.   The Make It Healthy Project encourages good health choices through a collaborative effort involving all Steemians who wish to share their knowledge and expertise, promoting natural approaches to health and healing, and avoiding toxic, artificial, processed, or refined ingredients in food, drink, cosmetics, and medication.  Follow this link to find out how you can get involved.

~ All graphics and ideas by @woman-onthe-wing ~

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