Why I am bullish on Steemit. And its not the monetization of social, censor free media or bootstrapping an anarchistic ecosystem

Here's the one reason why I am bullish on Steemit.

Its not the monetization of social, censor free media or bootstrapping an anarchistic ecosystem.

Its the Steemit people

Steemit is social.

Social is people.

         Steemit is social before it is media
         Steemit is people before it is blockchain.
         People are ingenious; math follows logic consistently.
  • People stay in a church because of friends & family, not because of Holy Spirit or Jesus. Even after being onboarded they are constantly made to feel welcome.
  • Human beings enthusiastically participate in a community because they are honoured & valued.
  • You like to visit some relatives, because you are welcomed & not treated as a burden. You will go out of your way to visit them when they are ill or in need purely on the basis of reciprocity.
  • Companies are now intentionally building communities.
Steemit has many community evangelists & builders. I've highlighted some of those that have helped build me on Steemit.
         Growth Idea
         # 1.    Steemit Inc corporate 
         (especially marketing : @zurvanic & @andrarchy) to 
         systemically facilitate true Steemit community builders.
         # 2.     Clone @papa-pepper


However, what if people just need some encouragement? What if some of those former active users could come on back, and what if we could encourage them?

Watch @andrarchy & @papa-pepper


Thank you my old friend

Connor, @goldmatters, introduced me to @Steemit


This is a story/contest and also a way to share some great experiences about how we you first heard about Steemit, it might also shed some light on what some of the most effective ways to promote steemit to new users might be.

BitcoinPete's, @mallorcaman, contest jumpstarted some thoughts about Steemit. Also follow @aidancloquell, his son.
         Does Steemit want to go for broke
         & go beyond merely  building a Steemit 
         community but to shoot for 
         intentionally building a Steemit family?

Do give the people who have helped build you up on your @Steemit, a shout out. Acknowledge them in a comment on this post.

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