Things To Note: For Him VII, Contributed By @olawalium.

…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 and part 6.


In any marriage, understanding is vital. You can even be under the same roof with the ‘devil’ but it takes some level of understanding. Understanding entails study, love and acceptance. You study your partner, you learn to love the version of her you are seeing, with a better view of the good sides to her and you accept her as such. When you accept her as such, you stop striving, you stop fighting to change things or allow it get to you. Forgive her in advance.

Commitment is the beginning of marital wisdom. When the two of you are committed to the idea of a good marriage, then you are not only on the same page, you will even be reading the same book hahaha. The importance of commitment in life cannot be overemphasized. You have a dream to achieve? Be committed. You have a goal in sight? Be committed. You want to win the heart of that lady? Be committed. You want to make more money? Be committed. You want to reduce reckless spending? Be committed. You want to guide your speech? Be committed. You want a dream relationship or marriage? Be committed. Commitment is the primary key to achieve goals in life. Set your relationship or marriage goals and be committed to it. Review it from time to time to help the two of you stay on course.


Be humble in marriage. Marriage is not the good place to flex your ego. As earlier said, let your desire to keep her override your desire to be right. Humility saves a lot. It would have saved a lot relationships or marriages if only they exercised it. Everyone wants to stake their claim. No one likes being taken for granted. Be humble in defeat; when you are proved wrong and be humble in victory; when you are proved right. Don’t try to rub it in your partner’s face anytime they erred. Point it out and give that person time to apologize, work on it and improve. We all love to be right, but be humble. Marriage is not a place to lord it over your partner or a ground to count scores and show who can be more ‘right’ than the other. Even children handle things better, you should too. No one is always right. No one knows it all. No one is an island of knowledge. No one has the monopoly of knowledge. You might be right today and be wrong tomorrow, so stay humble. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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