Marriage A Love – Hate Relationship

Today I take an opportunity to write on this topic as I complete 22 Years of my own marriage...

Marriage has never been easy for anyone, it comes as the biggest test of our life. What we score in this is completely up to how much efforts we want to put in to it to pass this biggest test of life.

As I complete these 22 Years of togetherness I will like to share some of my own experiences. I will not give some big talks, saying ohhh this marriage has been bed of roses and all. It’s very impractical for anyone to be that way, cause as two people come together there are two different personalities coming together who are not same and each one has his/her own thought process and his/her own ways, so conflicts will arise at some point of time. I am sure I will have more stalwarts in this area here and they will also share their own experiences.

Today we Celebrate our 22 years of Love, Friendship & Companionship❤❤❤

Every marriage has its own share of struggle, fights, pains, discomfort and all sorts of ups and downs, but that does not mean that the marriage is not right. Even if you would have two best understanding people of the world getting married to each other than too there will be difference of opinion with each other at some point of time.

But the most important factor of marriage is unconditional Love and understanding. If this is in your marriage it will stand all the weathers. Trying to fit into each other differences is one very important aspect of marriage. More than being a husband or wife for each other, if we come together as best friend for each other and share a common dream for life, it makes marriage work best.

One very important thing we need to follow in our relation is an open and honest communication with each other. At times the journey will not look very clear, you may feel is this the right choice I have made for life, there is nothing like a wrong or right choice. Differences will occur in any marriage if it is with this person or that person it does not matter. There will be times when you feel “This is the right life partner for me” and at times you will feel “Is this the right life partner for me?”

A lot of times we also judge our marriage with our material life satisfaction, or there are times when we mentally divorce our partners, in such cases it becomes difficult for a marriage to survive, because when you emotionally get detached with your partner then the basic essence of Love in the relation fades away. What you need to give up in this relation is the power control and ego.

Another thing I want to highlight is that mistakes will happen in marriage with any of the partner, but then personally I believe that there is no mistake that cannot be forgiven or get overlooked and move forward. Show Empathy towards your partner in such times, these are the times when you need to play the role of a friend more than a spouse.

Also in a lot of marriages I have seen once the couple have kids all the attention is given to the kids, until they grow up and suddenly they realize that in the process they have left a huge gap between them. Children are very important part of our lives but that does not mean you overlook the relation of marriage and put all your focus in one direction. It needs to be a balanced partnering on both ends. While you give good time to your children you equally give good time to your marriage.

Marriage also demands for sacrifice and giving up at times, and its ok, it does not bring you down in any way. It strengthens the relation, but yes it is equally important for the other partner to acknowledge the sacrifice.

Be it 20 years or 50 years it is good to keep expressing your love to your partner, doing those very small things which brings in a smile on each other face or giving small surprises, having some humour in the relation, celebrating every special moment of life. These are the very small things which sparks the relation and keeps it going happy.

And yes one last thing marriage goes much beyond physical attraction, over a period of time it is the bonding of hearts which matters most then just mere physical attraction towards each other.

Overall I will say this journey for me has been a roller coaster ride and thoroughly enjoying it with my partner and my best friend. We fight, we cry, we argue, we grumble and do every possible thing to annoy each other but we never stop loving each other. Hoping it continues the same way.

This was the day 22 years back when we committed to each other in our very own traditional way❤❤❤

Source of photos- All pictures are of self

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

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