Steemit 1000 members - One more milestone achieved

Ohhhh yes I am very very proud to put this forward that I have achieved one more milestone on Steemit and that's a mix of quite a few things......

#1 I now have a following of 1000 Steemit friends
#2 Member of the elite TheAlliance group
#2 A reputation of almost 60
#3 Myself following 950+ Steemit friends

All of this I have achieved in a span of 4 months, which I personally feel is pretty good.

So I take this opportunity to express what I feel at this point of time ❀


This journey so far has been incredible. It's just not about the 1000 number, but also the relationship that I have developed with my circle.

In the beginning I wanted to give up many times due to the poor response, people upvoting my post without reading and giving meaningless comments, it used to be very demotivating for me. All thanx to my husband who always kept on encouraging me, helping me and guiding me all through out to build up my network and get myself a genuine follower group.

Specially I've seen a significant growth for myself after my first 500 followers. The journey from 500 to 1000 has taken around 2 months in which I have also become a member of the elite TheAlliance Group.

My post are majorly on Crystals, Spreading Positivity, Some good lessons for life and Travels (I love travelling and with God's grace I get good opportunity to keep travelling and exploring places). As I am writing this post also I am doing my favourite thing Travelling. This time I am in Dubai.

I also soon want to start writing on Yoga which is my another favourite topic, but that might take some time.

Initially I waa very skeptic about my Crystals write up, as I was unsure of how it will be accepted in this circle, but I am absolutely delighted to see the response. Crystals are very very close to my heart or rather I can say they are a part of me, so if I would have had a failure there then it would have been the most disappointing thing for me. But I am glad they are so very well accepted just as me πŸ˜€

I have kept a few rules for myself which I will share with my fruends here with a hope that it will be some learning fot everyone.

#1 I would always want to put up genuine, meaningful content. With all due respects to all my fellow members I believe that it would be ok for me to write once a week but it should have some meaningful message for my audience. This platform is not only about earning money but also it allows you to display your talents, so keep that respect on for yourself.

#2 Respond courteously to everyone who responds on my post. People spend time to read your post, so as a matter of respect it's very important for me to acknowledge each one with a comment and upvote, even if it has to be just a Thank you comment. Only when you reciprocate the trust factor builds up.

#3 Try to help out every single person in whatever way I can when they approach me for help. With personal experience I know it's very difficult for a new entrant to set the foot, so if the old timers will not help, who else will then.

#4 If someone is spamming my personal chat I will take some time out to educate the person but not bombard the person. Anyone who's new here doesn't know how to go around so they will kind of do whatever seems easy. I myself have also done this and I was bombarded with some very foul language and it was very heart breaking. So kindness is something we all need to show to new entrants. Yes in this if someone does not learn and continues doing it then the person should be flagged up with a warning.

With all of this I am very grateful to all the members of TheAlliance Group, my very close circle, all my followers, most of all my Husband, all my mentors on Steemit for giving me this wonderful Steemit experience.

With my support system, my Husband.
Without his support this journey would had been impossible


Last but not the least Thankyou Universe for bringing all of this together for me in perfect harmony.

Thank yoy for stopping by and reading my blog on Steemit 1000 members - One more milestone achieved.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

Source of the images - All images are self clicked

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