Travel Diaries #5 - The Concrete Jungle Dubai

Since years I have been planning to visit Dubai but it never used to happen, somehow I was never fascinated with this place. I always felt this place is a concrete jungle and it lacks natural beauty, but finally this time for my Son we had to plan a short holiday since he was very keen on visiting Dubai for Sky Diving..

So after I reached here and with whatever little I could explore I can say, it's ok to be here once.
A multicultural place where you would find presence of every part of world.

Its just day 1 for us but we kind of did some exploration of the place and it was a happy joyful day with the family.

Well but one thing I should say, the roads can get very complicated for a first timer. We drove from Muscat, it was all smooth till the border but once we crossed the border we had some miss outs and with that our arrival time got delayed by an hour. So roads and traffic wise I'll compare it somewhat with India

Today we did the Marina boat ride, it was a very pleasant experience with a nice sumptuous dinner and music and entertainment program on-board and getting a glimpse of the city sailing through.

I am sharing some pictures which I clicked today.

Our first family click in the place.
We have a new entrant in the family, my Son's girlfriend


Some pictures clicked during the boat ride. At times you find joy in very simple things and that's what exactly happened today. We enjoyed a lot




There was a dance show during the ride which was very entertaining and definitely very skillful



Thank yoy for stopping by and reading my blog on Travel Diaries #5- The Concrete Jungle Dubai

Source of the images - All images are self clicked

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