Star Wars, Stranger Things, Spider-Mau5 and the Rest of the Cosplay from MegaCon 2018

Here is just about the rest of the great cosplayers photos taken from last week's MegaCon.   This photoset will focus on lone cosplayers out there from all sorts of TV, Movies, and other mediums (see also "MegaCon 2018 Cosplay in Pair and Packs").

While I did not see the above Garth Vader in the Master of Cosplay competition, he was definitely pro looking to me.  And also has a card he hands out with his Facebook ( )

I really try not to keep blurry photos at all but then something gets captured I just want to remember so here is Spider-Mau5

MegaCon Day #3 - A Quick Look Inside

Bane Conquest #1 - A Contest Look Inside

Marvel and DC Cosplay at MegaCon 2018 - Part 2

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