Splendid Case Study On How To Get Your Comments Upvoted With Minnowbooster & Gain Followers As A Bonus - STEEMIT GUIDE #6

This is my third post related to @minnowbooster, no wonder I love this application so much! It is a @buildteam initiative by @thecryptodrive (witness) @cryptomancer and @reggaemuffin (witness). I did a brief introduction about them in my first case study on How To Lease Steem Power from MB. Once I made several successful lease requests, it was time for me to explore more services. Thanks to @ilyastarar's detailed guide on 7 MinnowBooster Services You Should Know About!


Today I will talk about one service which is not used by many Steemians out there but I think it can change your game on Steemit forever. The name of this service is "comment promotion" Also, if you like to make several meaningful comments on several posts throughout the day, this service is perfect for you! I will also talk about how it can also indirectly help you gain more followers. Sounds too promising? Well, see for yourself. In addition I will also talk about why commenting on Steemit is important and what kind of comments will give you maximum upvotes and reach.


Why Making Comments Is Important?

I have a habit of making at least 5 comments daily on various posts that interest me on Steemit. If you ask why, then I have a list of reasons to tell you:

  • You get noticed easily. People who find your comments interesting, they might follow you or maybe read an upvote some of your recent posts.
  • Commenting on a post that you like or appreciating your favorite author with a set of words would be the greatest thing you do on Steemit.
  • Honest and clear cut comments are directly proportional to quality.
  • They are less time consuming. Instead of writing a long ass post daily, get into a habit of making at least 5 to 10 comments daily. This will take lesser time.
  • Comments show that you actually took time read the post and expressed your feeling via words. That much effort is spent when you genuinely like something or got intrigued by it.
  • You can participate in the Steemit Ecosystem. The way it is designed, comments are an integral part of the system. Hence, we should make full use of this feature.
  • You can pin-point the things that author missed. You can also add some value to the blockchain by providing more information and your point of view.
  • They help you to engage with the author and your own readers. You can make relationships which can turn into something big. Like everytime you make a post, the other person will automatically upvotes your post without even you going to them and asking. Cool, right?
  • You can make more money daily, because people do upvote honest and valuable comments. This also means a bump in your rep as well.


Use @minnowbooster To Get Upvotes On Your Comments: Make More Money!

I will show you the steps on how to setup and use this feature on MB:

1. Go to https://www.minnowbooster.net/ and click on Login. You will find this button link on the top right of the website as shown below:


2. Once you are redirected to next page, Login via Steemconnect. Type your username and your posting key!


3. Next step would be to go to "Edit Info" section where you can find the magical feature under the section box called "Comments"

Edit Info.png

4. Set you comment section as show below

  • Toggle "Automatic Promotion" to GREEN or ON
  • Set your "Max Upvote Value" - This value decides, how much worth of upvotes you are going to get whenever you make a comment. I set this very low for two reasons - So that my budget for upvotes on comments does not get consumed in a single shot. If I will set Max. upvote value to 2 SBDs then @minnowbooster will charge me around 0.5 to 1 SBD to achieve that upvote value. Hence, it is advisable to keep it as low as possible. I have set this to 0.03 for now. You can play with but do remember, you will consume your budget quickly if you set this value too high.


5. Getting upvotes on your comments is not a free service. You have to have some balance in MB's account so that as soon as you make a comment, their algo will automatically buy upvotes from the sellers. Your comments will be then voted randomly with available upvote seller's account.
Add SBDs to your @minnowbooster's balance by following below steps:

Click on Balance which you can find under the Navigation Dropdown:
You can see the available balance you have in your Steemit Wallet. As per your requirement, you can send some SBDs to your minnowbooster's balance. You can anytime withdraw this balance whenever you want to do so. I would suggest you add at least 2 or 3 SBDs for starters. :
Blance 1.png

Depending upon the "Maximum upvote value" which you have set 4th Initial Setting Step, the amount will be deducted from the balance as soon as you make a comment. You can check the transactions of your comment buying in the "Balance History"


Please note that this feature is still in testing stage. Sometimes you get upvotes of higher value that the Max. upvote value you have set, so that's normal. Also, minnowbooster will use the amount from your balance which can also be raised by selling your upvotes and use the same return to buy upvotes on comments. :-) That way, it will totally be automated and you will not to send SBDs to refill your balance. I think this tip will make you money and save your time plus effort


DON'Ts Of Commenting

Now that you have learnt how to buy upvotes on your comments, it is your duty to also learn to refrain yourself from making comments that are not acceptable by the community. Please note that @minnowbooster has a strict policy against spammers and abusers. So do not think that you will get away with any kind of scam or take advantage of the system without getting hurt. Be careful and read the DON'Ts of commenting:

  • Don't Make comments like - "Nice Post" or "Good Job" etc. Other social media websites are full of this crap and Steemit doesn't want that.
  • Don't abuse or insult anyone. That's a disgrace to the community and you don't deserve to be here.
  • Don't spam others' post with same copy & pasted comments. That's a waste of your precious bandwidth.
  • Don't Copy & Paste Others' comments
  • Don't post irrelevant or phishing links anywhere on Steemit. That's punishable by death, you know.
  • Although it is upto you but do not reveal your personal information like Phone, Email Address or Home Address etc. on the blockchain. It's risky and not advisable.
  • Do not beg for upvotes or follow in comments or anywhere else in this world.
  • Do not upvote your own comment unless you want to increase its visibility.
  • Do not make comments with false information or loose data. Always make well though of remarks.
  • Last but not the least, Stop commenting on posts of people who do not care to reply or upvote their readers' and admirers. Those people are here only to make money and act selfish. They don't deserve your time or your invaluable upvote/comment.


Get Followers In Bonus

Now you all must be wondering, "how I will get followers by buying upvotes for your comments. Is this guy crazy? There is no such service offered by MB or any other Steem service." Obviously you cannot buy followers on Steemit but buying upvotes for your comments indirectly fetching you many followers. Let's find out how:

  • Once you make a comment on someone's post that is generating many visitors and eye balls every second, there is a good chance that you get noticed by several other people as well.
  • Because you have bought upvotes on @minnowbooster for your comment, as soon as you get the upvotes, position of your comment will move to the top comments depending upon the payout you will get. More payout means better ranking in the comments.
  • In the first few minutes after someone made a post, if you make a comment then it will definitely go to the top because not many people self upvote, and comments do not generally get bigger upvotes in the first few minutes.
  • This will ensure that you are visible in the top comments for a good amount of time. As soon as more people will come and read the post will notice you and your kickass comments with lots of upvotes.
  • Chances of getting their attention is more. Which also mean that there is a good chance that the other person will follow you or reply to your comment.
  • People reply to your comments if it is very intriguing and value addition or maybe having good number of upvotes. SBDs shown under the comment will also improve the chances of getting a reply.
  • This can also spark a chain of comments. Basically, it can place on the top for the full lifetime of the post which was written by someone else.
  • Sometimes, top commenter gets more visibility and recognition than the author of the post.
  • Upvotes also improve your reputation score. We all know how much people like to follow people with higher reputation.

I hope by now you have some idea about what kind of comments you should make and how buying upvotes will help you reach more people. When someone comes on your profile and see your comments getting upvotes every-fucking-time, they will get hooked for sure. They will stalk you, follow you and maybe provide you upvotes and resteems in the future as well. But please make sure that you provide value in whatever you do unless this system will not survive. It will only look as spam if you get upvotes on your 2 word comments, right? So keep this thing in mind!


Comments That Make You Money

In this section, I will cite some of the examples from my own comments and try to explain in a few words that how a particular comment made me more money than the other. You can skip this part if you know what works and what doesn't. Commenting on Steemit is an art and not many newbies know how to take advantage of it to improve your reputation and rewards.

  • In this comment, I made it clear how much I like the conferences where people meet and get to know more about Blockchain Technology. I tagged both the users featured in the post including the author. I got upvotes from several people even though I made my comment after when a decent amount time passed since the post was made:

    Source: Steemit Post

  • I got a small valued upvotes from multiple people but the author gave me the one with the highest upvote. Also I got a reply from another person because he "AGREES" with me? No, because I was the top comment.


Source: Steemit Post

  • Don't just comment for the sake of commenting. Put your heart out. Be honest and at least read the whole post thoroughly before making a comment on someone's effort. Cheers guys! I somehow missed to reply to their comment but not an issue. I can always comment on their next post. Haha. :-D


Source: Steemit Post

  • Comment in such a way that it leads to a series of comments. Also use combination of different text sizes and styles or maybe pictures that separates yours from the others.



Today we discussed many things I request you to have a look at my "Comments" and maybe learn from there. I learnt the art of commenting in the same way. Don't just stalk me, stalk multiple profiles from the top authors and bloggers you like. :-) You will find some patterns which can be followed and replicated easily. I hope this post provided some value to your daily Steemit life. Please support me by upvoting and resteeming this post if you think it was worth of your time. Also, do comment your questions and suggestion. I upvote all my comments and reply to them with a big heart. Cheers and Have a great day!

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