Case 10: Your wife loves to upvote your spam!

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The culprits have responded to this case and are willing to make amends.
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@swelker101 from the @minnowsupport abuse team received an anonymous tip and brought this Lady Diana commemoration post to my attention.

Not because I am a loyal servant of the royal family, no, those days are long gone in my fictitious past. There was something more sinister happening here, of course.

Shane didn't have to say much about the situation, it is pretty obvious after all.

The Findings:

wall of spam for Lady Di

@kiporen212 and @kimor are posting tremendous amounts of spam, reciprocally upvoting each other.

There's not much to debate here, the case presents itself quite clearly.

But let's look into the past:


signed up on June, 13th this year.

He's from Austin Texas and he started his journey on steemit with participating in a few photography contests. In my humble opinion, some pretty nice images, and from what I can tell, all original content.

He also posted relevant personal experiences, like talking about his struggles with getting quality medical attention for his special needs son. Honest words from the bottom of his heart I must suppose.


is the account made by (or for) @kiporen212's wife on June, 22nd.

She made an honest introduction and started blogging normally.

Naturally @kiporen212 and @kimor upvoted and resteemed each other's content, and back then, there was absolutely nothing wrong with that.

What happened?

It all looked like a great start for two genuine new steemians bringing original content to this platform.

@kiporen212 was even mentioned as a great producer of content on July, 29th:

Atxcane from Austin, Texas is a Graduate of Hillsdale College and a Husband. Joined the community in June 2017, gained 53 reputation score in a such a short time with 577 followers and 999 posts.

I am not entirely sure how this mention came together, at the time @kiporen212 had already started posting mostly low effort posts with images from various sources, but at least they were still kind of relevant back then.

But since, it went downhill quickly!

I can only speculate that either, witnessing how others enriched themselves through abuse became too much of a frustration, or some financial struggles, caused @kiporen212 and @kimor to resort to comment-farming spam on each other's accounts reciprocally, giving 100% of their votes exclusively to each other's spam!

Then again, there's this statement that I found on another forum:

atxcane on greed

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

So maybe after all, it was really just that: greed?

Time for flagging! please see footer for updates!

Whatever the reasons may be, those illegitimate rewards should be removed.

And this time, almost everyone can help!

@kiporen has been caught by @smackdown.kitty before, and they have since resorted to very small votes on huge numbers of comments. Usually there's not more than $0.06 on a comment, so even minnows with just a few hundred SP are able to reduce those rewards to zero.

kiporen comment with average reward

Don't blame the whales for sleeping this time!

Let's show that we, as a community, do not tolerate this kind of behavior!

#MinnowsUnite, let's get together and do this!

I have already started flagging on the Lady Diana post, but there are countless more posts and comments on both @kimor's and @kiporen212's profile.

I am asking for your help!


A minnow alone is weak, but together we can change this platform!

Please flag @kiporen212 and @kimor

both posts and comments need their rewards removed!
I suggest to start from the bottom up, removing the most immediately pending rewards first!

Our culprit has started withdrawing their own upvotes and wishes to make amends!

kiporen212 withdrawing votes

kimor withdrawing votes

Please engage in the comment section to discuss a fair solution!


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