Why you need to make a choice about your money. Today.

This is an essay to help clarify money.

  • Why you need to make a choice about your money.

  • What you may consider & factor in as you make your choice.

  • Which money should you choose.

  • How to get started.

        TL;DR versions:
        Items #1 to #5
        If don't want a long read, watch any video of your choice.
        But, at the end choose your money.

1. Cash

Did you ever have money in your life-time?
Real money?
Beyond semantics, your understanding of risk, money, cash, currency & gold could be the difference between your beginning or continuing your pathway to wealth or descending into the rabbit hole of poverty.

You can choose your money. Today.

2. Hamburger

Did you know that you get less hamburger for more cash?
Are you aware that like most popular consumer products, a hamburger has shrinkflated?.
Would you like to continue to receive less hamburger & other goods & services by paying more in cash?
Everything costs more.
What will it cost your children to be educated? To go to college?
To start their homes?
What legacy will you leave your children?

You can choose your money. Today.

3. Paper

Did you know that paper money is, as it says on the tin: paper?
It has always more in paper, in government or fiat currency.
What if the measure itself is corrupted?
What if the measuring stick of our economic well-being itself is debased?

You can choose your money. Today.

4. Fiat

Did you know that your national currency is useful to you, simply because your government says so?
Not only that, were you aware that the ether & bitcoin that you hold in your crypto currency wallet is simply a currency based on the math algorithm deeming it to be valuable?
Fractional reserve banking is the vehicle to create credit; to conjure money out of thin air.

You can choose your money. Today.


5. Crypto

While there is not one homogeneous cryptocurrency, the two most popular cyptocurrencies, bitcoin & ethereum, are being touted as the next level safe haven, as good as if not better than gold. Since crypto currencies are based on math, you & I, with sufficient resources can create our own coins.

Crypto is based on the fiat of math & the common acceptance of the community of the particlular coin.

Remember Coinye & Kanye West?

Mt. Gox?

MtGox had to die for Bitcoin to thrive. Its former role from early Bitcoin days has been supplanted by better, stronger entities.
Marc Andreessen

Bitcoin Advocate Andreessen: Mt. Gox Had to Die

Create your own cryptocurrency wallet.
You can choose your money. Today.

  The long read
  So you like to read
  Dive in deep.
          But, at the end choose your money.

6. Physics

Gold is intrintiscally money through physics, not economic diktat.

Gold ascended as natural money due to the binding laws of nature: scarcity, randomness, decay, entropy. These laws make it work as money even if forgotten or obfuscated by the elites. In other words, there was no decree that made gold money, and no decree that stopped gold from being money.
A few thoughts on Gold, currency and “risk free savings” in the wake of Brexit

6a. Dark web : internet :: crypto : currency

most participants in the cryptocurrency space, especially those proclaiming that cryptocurrencies will supplant precious metals as premier commodity moneys, don’t fully appreciate that the original conception has always tried to mirror the natural properties of precious metals.

The Natural Order Of Money: Why Abstract Currencies Fail

6b. Debt

Gold: physics :: fiat currency : debt

Gold did not make anyone rich today, the currencies built on debt and false promises, unproven and illogical economic theories, THIS money absolutely made people poorer today.
A few thoughts on Gold, currency and “risk free savings” in the wake of Brexit

You can choose your money. Today.

7. Nature

The Natural Order Of Money: Why Abstract Currencies Fail

7a. Metals

Throughout the course of history we have seen many attempts at forms of money which have succeeded in being a unit of account, medium of exchange, or both, but we have never witnessed anything other than precious metals withstand time as a store of value while simultaneously being a unit of account and medium of exchange.

7b. Math

I will make the claim that Mathematics is in fact a human invention that is secondary to the natural order of things rather than being foundational. Mathematics is a human abstraction which arises as a measurement of quantity in nature while completely disregarding the most important properties of nature: Time and Quality.

You can choose your money. Today.

8. The Deep State

Q: Why do Central Banks and Governments hate gold?
A: Because they can’t print it
Dave Kranzler

8a. The wealth effect

If you increase asset prices by lowering interest rates – producing a "wealth effect" – you must also produce a "poverty effect" by lowering, proportionately, everything else.
Bill Bonner

8b. Financial folly

Will President Trump seize the moment & end financial folly?
You can choose your money. Today.
     What say you @steemit community?
     Will you make gold your money?
You can choose your money. Today.

More Resources

Magic Money

Further Steem, Steemit

As Medium monetizes, are there lessons for Steemit?

Your working world has changed forever.

Through internet marketing, you can make the internet work for you.

Even earn free bitcoin.

You can choose your own money

Even if the elites choose not to end financial folly & continue to make currencies fail you now have a choice in money.

Goldmoney, the Uber or Airbnb of money, facilitates your own personal gold standard via a Goldmoney account.




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