Steem, Steemit, Esteem: A Little Badass? Truly Beautiful?

No TL:DR, please. Suggest that you read the whole post & comment. Upvote, downvote. Flag. Love, hate at will.

            Everything is impossible until you make it possible.
            Peter Diamandis

An incentivized, blockchain-based social media platform.
Daniel Larimer, Ned Scott, Valentine Zavgorodnev, Benjamin Johnson, James Calfee, Michael Vandeberg
March 2016
Steemit White Paper, 2016 cover page

African migrant workers near Djibouti trying to get a phone signal from nearby Somalia, John Stanmeyer, World Press Photo

Reading the tea leaves

A caveat

With no direct, personal or face-to-face interaction or knowledge of the personalities or the Stemmit Inc organization, this fly on the wall look at the events concerning the Dan Larimer resignation event may be:
  • At the worst a figment of my imagination,

  • Much ado about nothing or,

  • Food for thought for @ned, @sneak & their teams as they move @Steemit forward.

            For as he thinks in his heart, so is he 
            [in behavior—one who manipulates].
            He says to you, “Eat and drink,”
            Yet his heart is not with you [but it is begrudging the cost]
            Pro 23:7 AMP

Daniel Larimer, Founder CTO

Dan creates a vision forward at the lowest and highest levels and has proven his ability to execute across the many challenges found in starting a cutting edge technology company.
Ned Scott

Ned Scott, Founder CEO

A vision in a dream.
Ned Scott, @certainassets on Twitter

Dan and I are similar in that we are motivated by the idea that we can improve the way of life for others. The state of Internet communities is imperfect – among the sometimes great content, there are also trolls, less than helpful comments and poor dialogue – so there was definitely a problem to solve there in the context of social media.
CoinReport Q & A

Play by play

@dan the CTO, announces his resignation.

Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc
I will not be posting or voting any more.
I wish you all the best.

@ned, The CEO responds

Dan, thank you for your service. You are quite amazing. Good luck with everything you do.
Dan has an unusual history, so while we can't say we expected this, it was a possibility we had planned for.
Ned Scott

On tenacity

I never give up,

A broken chain of command?

I will refrain from posting so that Ned can lead. My every action is controversial.

Hard Fork. Division: divided vision?

You wouldn't believe how often I post something I think is ok only to be told it reflects poorly on steem.
Daniel Larimer

Skill set?

Ned's the captain. I'm the engineer. I build ships for others to sail. Steemits future depends on web development more than anything else and that is not my skill.

Broken culture?
Renegade maverick?
Prima donna?
Did the conductor not understand his prima donna ballerina?

You and I both. Steem is dominated by politics beyond my ability to control or fix. The code is in good hands, the team is more than capable of implementing any thing the community desires. lets hope the community choses wisely.
Or maybe I understand Streisand effect.

Tortured soul? Flawed genius?

It is clear that Dan is a bit of a tortured soul. Many creative geniuses are.

@dantheman on why he left @Steemit Inc

New opportunities to pursue my vision of free market solutions to secure life liberty and property.
You are the environment in which you live.

Life mission

My mission in life is to find free market solutions to secure life, liberty, and property for all. I want to build a global brand known for creating and owning high-quality, industrial grade, economically sound and very profitable crypto assets.
Daniel Larimer

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever wins respect,
whatever is just,  whatever is pure, whatever is lovable,
whatever is of good repute--if there is any virtue or anything 
deemed worthy of praise--cherish the thought of these things.
Phi 4:8 WNT

See also, AMP

Conclusion of the Steem White Paper
Steem is an experiment designed to address challenges in the cryptocurrency and social media industries by combining the best aspects from both. Steem presents earning opportunities to content creators and internet readers in ways that have not existed within the social media industry. Within Steem, individuals earn real rewards online that are directly correlated to their contributions. Those rewards will have dollar value due to the market price discovery and liquidity of Steem, and the people who hold Steem will have more exclusive earning powers than those who do not.

           Son, I try not to pay attention to the fads
           Ned Scott's father

Ned Scott, CEO on the future

I won’t lie; there are big changes coming. After processing these events, I believe this is the best thing for Steemit Inc, and most importantly for the community growing here on

Making Steem really open source

Clearly @dan has some regret posting it...If he felt strongly the information needed to be out there he would have left it out there.

The Steemit license

That license, which Dan came up with, has been there since day 0. That is as long as any of us have opted into participating. In the long run, I would see the license change, but not now.

Trustless cryptography, DPoS

In a world of trustless cryptographically secure systems and provably secure smart contracts, asking for trust is a lot to ask.
Luke Stokes
Completely feel you on this and perhaps something can be done to assuage the concern. from my pov I am relying on DPoS, and not on Steemit or me. Witnesses can be anonymous and the system runs whether Steemit tries to be part of it or not... I'm glad we are though.

Big city of crypto

a good social network has to have a big city mentality rather than one of a small village.
Good call. Steem, the "big city" of crypto.

Is Steemit ready to take off?

Steemit is an exponential technology still in beta. Steemit is on the launch pad.

Is Steemit ready to take off?

Math or people?

  • Is the Steemit team still building a social network focussed primarily on the tech, the math, crypto, the blockchain while discounting people?

  • What is more important? Tech? or People?

  • Who are we building for? Math, algorithm geeks? People?

       Focus on the user and all else will follow.
       Google, 'Ten things we know to be true.'

Where does the buck stop?

If Steemit is not really open source, where does the buck for Steemit's future stop?
  • The community?
  • The witnesses?
  • The whales?
  • Steemit Inc?
  • The Steemit Inc CTO?
  • The Steemit CEO?
  • The tech?
  • Steemit corporate?
With any exponential technology when you are at 1%, you are half-way to a 100%.
If we seek to see Steemit Inc as a billion dollar unicorn, we need to build the hard tech & soft tech for a billion users.

Hard tech

@dan built the plumbing for Steemit. In the interim, @sneak will build & run the network tech.

Steemits future depends on web development more than anything else and that is not my skill.

Web development moments of truth:

  • Writers, content producers: If there was no immediate compensation would a content creator migrate to Steemit?
  • Readers, viewers: Is it easy for the viewer or reader to consume the content?
  • Apps: iOS, Android & tablets?
  • UI, UX

Soft tech

All the hard tech is useless, if the soft tech, users or flesh & blood people crashes & burns:
  • A whale & witness code of conduct:
    In my interactions with newbies, minnows & dolphins am I encouraging someone else?
    After communicating with me, would someone stay on the platform or build the platform?
    Am I prepared to be a father?
    Am I Oliver begging for some more?
    Though the Steemit white paper permits me to downvote, on a whim, am I fair? Am I just?

  • A culture of honour: Do I seek to demolish the argument or ruin the man?

  • Machine to machine: While the blockchain facilitates machine to machine communication, especially useful for satoshi unit level ultra micro-payments, it enables bots for voting. Like the dark web, bots are the dark underbelly of Steemit curation.

        Dark web : internet  ::  bots : curation
  • Original content: On the other hand, bots, like @cheetah & @twitterbot, facilitate the montoring of duplicate content & outright cut & paste.
    Exponential technology.jpg

Fly me to the moon

A Steemit moonshot?

Just as President Kennedy said, when he launched the space program, Steemit has the opportunity to go to the moon.
Do we have the courage, the chutzpah?

Steemit represents the world's opportunity to consign the walled garden social media to the dustbin of history: thereby, not only transforming social media, but also, democratising the internet, as we know it.

Will the Steemit community seize the opportunity to not only make marginal, incremental improvements but to radically reorder the internet?

                10x is easier than 10%
                Astro Teller, X, Captain of Moonshots

when you’re working to make things 10 percent better, you inevitably focus on the existing tools and assumptions, and on building on top of an existing solution that many people have already spent a lot of time thinking about. Such incremental progress is driven by extra effort, extra money, and extra resources. It’s tempting to feel improving things this way means we’re being good soldiers, with the grit and perseverance to continue where others may have failed — but most of the time we find ourselves stuck in the same old slog.
But when you aim for a 10x gain, you lean instead on bravery and creativity — the kind that, literally and metaphorically, can put a man on the moon. You’ve all heard the story before: Without a clear path to success when we started, we accomplished in less than a decade a dream several generations in the making. We chose to go to the moon, John F. Kennedy said, not because it was easy … but because it was hard. Suddenly everyone from schoolchildren to the largest institutions were rallying behind the mission. Kennedy understood that the size of the challenge actually motivates people: that bigger challenges create passion.
Astro Teller

Can Steemit be badass & beautful?

Regina Dugan of Facebook, ran DARPA & Google ATAP. Here's what she wrote to her Google ATAP team.
Each of our efforts to create new, seemingly impossible products, 
has been faced with intense challenges along the way.
Technical challenges. 
Organizational challenges. 

 Challenges that might have broken lesser teams, this is the type of work
 we signed up for when we built ATAP. 
 It is terrifying because it means we have to face our fear of failure, 
 stare it down, more days than most.
 So be it.
 Regina Dugan's letter to the Google ATAP team.
Can Steemit be badass & beautiful?
What say you Steemit community?
    If you want to ensure failure in your innovation, try removing the risks. 
    Boredom is the enemy of innovation.
    Regina Dugan
Does the community want to remove the risks of experimentation & innovation in Steemit, even in its beta stage? Are we willing to forget about making money on Steemit; for now?
     Glimpse at a small band of pirates trying to do epic shit.
     Regina Dugan, ATAP Lead,  Google I/O ATAP session 
Will our children say, as Regina Dugan said at Google I/O, that we at Steemit did epic shit?

Carpe Diem, Steemit

Bonus Features

                       Redundacy is key to learning
                       Rick Joyner

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Peter Diamandis: Bold & Abundant Thinking (Full Presentation)
How to Think Bigger - Peter Diamandis - Thinking Big and Bold
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