My Forecasting Accuracy is Very High - I am a True Profit Generator!


I have made tons of forecasts about cryptocurrencies in the past, and they have had a very very high accuracy. The beautiful thing about a blockchain is, that everything is recorded and you can verify my claims later, to see that I am speaking the truth here.

My older posts can't be edited anymore (I think after 7 days it remains permanent), so you can easily verify my older statements and forecasts.

Let's see how accurate my forecasts were!

In that post made on 11-Nov-2016, I have predicted that 3 currencies will rise in value through November. One month didn't passed yet, but let's see how accurate my predictions were if you would have invested in them, and were to sell now:

CoinPrice in NovPrice NowProfit
CasinoCoin3164 sat3000 sat-5.1833 %
Clam9430092800-1.5906 % + 0.6521% = −0.9385%
Total+27.0064% Profit
  • CasinoCoin had only a drop in liqidity in the BID side, but the ASK side is pretty much at the same level, so the price drop is only due to a lack of liquidity.


  • In Clam I have also added the JustDice profits to it since you can stake your CLAMS there. The casino generates on average 0.02964% ROI daily. Which you can calculate, since the wager profit is 1.249078% of the wagered amounts and the average wagered amount per day in the past 22 days was 433.5318326996 CLAMS, so you just compare that to the staked amounts, and it generated in total 0.6523% ROI, in 22 days. Now in the past 22 days it didn't because of some lucky variance, but on average it will, so I will just take that for granted, it's a passive profit.

I first called Monero going up at 22-Aug-2016, at 0.0042 BTC.

Then I called it further:

CoinPrice in NovPrice At SellProfit
Total+247.6197% Profit
  • It was actually 247.6197% profit, but I was so excited back then that I mistyped it as 249 and 291, my hands were literally shaking when I wrote that post. I made a lot of money then haha.

I have predicted the Steem price for Oct 17th to be 0.00043 BTC. The price on Oct 17th did hit 0.0004362 BTC at 11 o'clock.

That is only a forecast error of 1.4418%, very accurate indeed.

I predicted:

BTC_USD on Oct 22 should be 636.34390$

It was 655$, according to so it was an error of only 2.9874%, although my models since then have improved, so I can probably forecast it now much better with the PROFITGENERATOR II.

I predicted that Bitcoin could skyrocket soon when it was only 615$ on the 1st of Oct. It did skyrocket later, now it's 772$, that is a profit of +25.5284%. The term "soon" was vague, but it did go up just after a few days, so this forecast was indeed accurate.

It was an extension of this forecast later: @profitgenerator/bitcoin-is-very-hot

I predicted the price to hit 700 EUR, and that came true as well. Both predictions came true!


Disclaimer: The information provided on this page might be incorrect. I am not responsible if you lose money using the information on this page! This is not an investment advice, just my opinion and analysis for educational purposes.

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