#5: Empirical scientific evidence: 'MOST DEBT IS VOID' And can be cancelled since the financial systems are criminal. | SLAVE NO MORE! (series) Tips for liberation of the Earth / Heart

Years ago I worked making software for investment banks and I quickly learned that they are criminal organisations. Far from operating for human interest in any way, much of their activity involves figuring out how to get around laws designed to protect investors and to thus then exploit everyone that they can exploit. A few years on, I started to see good videos circulating by those among us who had taken the time to do thorough research into the money creation process and the associated banking systems. What I learned shocked me - even as a 'conspiracy' minded individual with insider experiences, I STILL couldn't grasp that the scale of the fraud is as big as it is...

"The 'Scam Detector' in my brain simply wasn't calibrated to detect scams as big as the one that is our money, credit and banking systems. I needed to adjust my perspective to take it all in."

Most 'Debt' is fictional and most of the money we 'borrow' never existed!

I am sure that some here will already understand this, but the fact that our banks still operate and that there hasn't already been a worldwide (r)evolution shows me that most people STILL don't understand the extent of the fraud that is being perpetuated against most of us daily. While Banks spend millions on making TV adverts to convince us that they are friendly, caring entities - the reality is that they continue to suck literally EVERYTHING from EVERYWHERE at as fast a rate as possible.

"If the banks were a single vampire, it would be a vampire almost as big as the Earth, almost drowning in all the blood it had sucked from it's victims"

Guaranteed suffering caused by corrupt governments and bankers

Not only do they deceive us by claiming to be lending us money when in truth they do not actually have that money at all and it is just numbers in a computer system - but they then charge us interest on that 'loan' - meaning that their system GUARANTEES that many of those who receive their imaginary money will be unable to 'pay it back'. The money literally doesn't even exist on the planet to be able to pay it all back. This is a concept that cannot be over-stated or repeated enough and I am going to really ask you to watch and share the following videos that do a good job of exposing our collective financial enslavement by who can accurately be described as 'bankster mafia' - or worse.

The first empirical scientific study that proves that banks make money from nothing.

Not long ago, A German professor decided to put to rest the longstanding 'debate' among 'economists' (aka PR people for the bankers) as to whether banks create money from nothing or not. Amazingly, the process of loans and credit had for a very long time been able to be covered up enough that even economists argued over how it all worked.

He managed to carry out an experiment in a bank in Germany (noting that all major banks refused him access to do it) and eventually proved that the banks do indeed fraudulently make money from nothing and loan it out at interest. I spoke with him directly and informed him that his work would one day be used as evidence in a major court case - but so far that has not occurred.

His paper is here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1057521914001070

dr evil

It gets worse

Not only do the banks defraud nearly every human constantly - their corruption seems to know no limits and they have been involved with defrauding the people in nearly every way imaginable - even in the mind of a criminal genius. From Mortgages with hidden clauses that result in the 'customer' effectively creating the money him/herself out of nothing and having the mortgage 'lender' simply act as an agent for the process (while tricking the 'customer' into thinking that they were actually borrowing real money)... Through to massive bank bailouts from various governments that amount to a literal sucking dry of the wealth of entire nations. They've done and continue to do it all!

The secret 16 trillion dollar bailout of the US federal reserve - made easy to visualise using pennies:

What can we do?

The financial systems are so engrained into life now that it can seem that we have no option but to continue using it. I disagree with that and in my next post I intend to outline the model that I see can best work for Earth to find balance again - instead of bank balances!

However, until the time when we are all collectively aware enough of the problem to make my solution viable, here are a variety of speakers demonstrating tried and tested methods of cancelling 'alleged' debts from banks and elsewhere. Many have claimed that these ideas are a 'hoax' - however, I GUARANTEE you that I have used them successfully with a major bank and the alleged British government.

The 'Get out of debt free' team explain how to use the system to your advantage, instead of being eaten by it:

Proof that our 'debts' are mostly total illusion:

paid by promissory note

How to create your own promissory notes - just like the banks do - Money from nothing:

What do you intend to do with this knowledge? And what are your experiences?

I'm sure there will be a higher than average percentage of people on steemit who are aware of this already to some extent, so I'd love to hear your experiences of 'debt cancellation' and also what you think of the whole stinking mess, plus solutions.

Further research

The following videos provide extensive background information into the financial enslavement system that threatens us all:

Part 1 of the 'Money as Debt' series - reveals the history of modern banking and how we were all conned:

Part 2 of 'Money as Debt':

The 'Hidden secrets of money' series exposes the delusional 'debt ceiling' principle that the criminal dressed up as politicians so often refer us to as they say we can't afford healthcare requirements:

'Century of Enslavement' - An in depth look at the US Federal Reserve:

Sadly, there's plenty more where all this came from!

This post is part of a series of posts - check out the others here:

  1. Introduction and a common formula for our enslavement
  2. Non physically branded as a slave by advertising
  3. The Mind Control used by shops is FAR more evil than most have yet understood.
  4. Permissions slips - We are co-creating STEEMIT to give us permission to break out of society's traps.
  5. Empirical scientific evidence: 'MOST DEBT IS VOID' And can be cancelled since the financial systems are criminal.

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