SLAVE NO MORE! (series) Tips for liberation of the Earth / Heart | #4: Permissions slips - Co-Creating STEEMIT to give us permission to break out of society's traps!

Initially I struggled for a while with the idea of using Steemit. I have long sought to stop using money completely due to the way it has been totally corrupted by the money printers / bankers and also due to the way it corrupts people to make them do things they don't want to (or need to) do. I also recognise that cryptocurrency can be bought out and taken over by the same entities without much difficulty. In this post I am continuing the ongoing series of ending our slavery by looking at the role Steemit itself can play in this process! The previous posts looked at the very dark side of mind control that is present on Earth and now it is time to look at some basic solutions.

Fun for everyone! :)

Once I started getting 'paid' for my posts here to a significant level, I relaxed a bit and thought to just enjoy the process and be grateful I am not working for this money in the factory that I once worked in (for 24 hours) or some of the other jobs I've had along the way. Now, as a software engineer and designer, plus as someone who explores self and psychology - I am interested to think about the dynamics of getting paid for posting here and am going to explore how this situation relates to us breaking free of our collective enslavement.

Steemit users are much more 'friendly' due to money?

Don't take this as an insult, dear reader, but I am wondering here if maybe, just maybe, the financial incentive of being paid through posting - which requires a lot of followers for it to be effective - is part of the attraction involved in many of the relationships people are forging here. If you are not known globally for some reason, then the chances are that when you create a profile on a social network, you will take a while to make friends and connect to a significant number of people. On Steemit however, it looks to be quite easy to connect with 100 people in just a few days - regardless of who you are.

Note: I have met many great people here on Steemit already, I am not knocking the site or you at all - just commenting on patterns I am now going to expand on for 'educational purposes' ;)

What can we learn about the way we are socialising here with a financial incentive involved?

Hijacked by money and breaking free from the grip of the groupthink

Society and our psychology is heavily skewed towards money, so much so that some people will kill their relatives for money and indeed, paid armies will decimate entire cities for money. We are often literally enslaved by money and the corrupt financial systems we are commonly baring the weight of - so it is no surprise that what could be a purely natural process of connecting and sharing with others becomes dominated by imprinted beliefs and habits that have us chasing the $$ instead of causing the enlightenment we actually need to solve our problems and create real balance. This has created an interesting dynamic though, where many people who would never have otherwise gravitated to certain information are now doing so as part of a process of trying to get paid. Just like you can get paid here to advertise your own service (a complete reversal of the usual situation online), so too can you essentially learn great information here and get paid for doing that too! Gradually, this may effect the way the more money oriented of us are approaching life and may inspire us to expand our horizons beyond just finance and into being more creative and thus more useful to ourselves and everyone else.

The system here is intended to reward the best ideas - which really grabs our attention and inspires us to better ourselves and our approach to research and creating. What is particularly interesting about all this is that we are basically creating a system for ourselves to give ourselves permission to do what we want to do!

"We are creating a system that facilitates us to allow ourselves to do what we actually need to do, but are otherwise not doing because we can't get paid for doing it!"

Permissions slips?

permission slips

Let's think about this more closely - we are powerful creators who often get trapped into thinking we are not powerful. As a result we often compromise where we should not compromise and choose to do what we don't want to do. We bought into a financial system that says we will probably, statistically, end up doing what we don't want to do - so that we can get enough 'money' to then at some point go on to actually do what we want to do. We know inherently that this is a flawed system, since if we NEED to do something and don't have the money - our very life might be at risk because of it! A different system and way of life is possible which would put our wellbeing before imaginary numbers every time - gradually we will create it as we liberate our own self first.

"Deep down we know that we are free and that we must do what we can to not be tied down - yet we have tricked ourselves into being enslaved by systems we now need to replace."

Permissions slips - in the psychological sense - are devices we create to 'trick' our own mind into accepting that we are 'allowed' to do something that we otherwise would not be allowed to do. To be free we must break out of control and yet much of the control we experience is from our OWN MIND! For example, I might create an interaction with some people I don't like much because I believe that it is only acceptable to drink alcohol in a social setting and I really want to drink some alcohol. I create the 'permission slip' of the evening out with friends to justify me giving myself what I want. Steemit is an interesting permission slip, in that sense, because in the existential sense, we are giving ourself (gradually) the permission slip to say that we are allowed to be free and to be supported just because we exist and because the energy that creates worlds is actually available for us to use to create what we desire in our hearts. This may all sound a bit 'cosmic' for you - but no matter what you think, you cannot escape the reality of the living universe that is always ready to embody the patterns we choose!

The liberation of Living in the heart

One alternative to our psycho-spiritual permission slips is to simply and directly align ourselves to do what we need to do - constantly. There is no need to lie or deceive self when we fully accept all of who we are and our real needs. We do only what we need and want to do and nothing else. As an example, If we are hungry, we ideally find and/or plant food freely. If others deny our right to food, we take the called for steps to stop them blocking us (peacefully)! There is no need in an ideal world to get a job in a biscuit factory and work for hours just to get enough money to possibly go and buy some real food that was intended for us to access for free on this planet all along!

Whether you currently accept what I saying here yet or not - your own heart is a very powerful aspect of who you are and, in fact, is so powerful it can change your destiny and effect the patterns of society in a non-physical way. Your state of being is reflected on Earth around you - whether you notice it or not. Much has been written on this by wise people for aeons and many will say that significant aspects of modern 'science' agree with this direction of understanding too. Ultimately, it is through direct experience that we find the truth of this for ourselves though - not from a paper written by a scientist.

The ultimate form of liberation requires that we realise that we are literally the creators of significant parts of our physical reality - and we are doing it non-physically! We don't actually need to do anything much in our lives to create in this way, because the creation is inherent with every breath. We do not need to be a yoga master in a cave to come to understand this and we don't need to run and hide from the internet and Steemit either! What I am pointing to is that while financial and technological 'liberation' can be fun - the real liberation comes from within and it is from the inner liberation that all outer forms of liberation can come forth as well. When we are truly liberated, life becomes graceful and the living universe becomes ever more shaped to suit our preferences and less harsh towards us as we live our lives.

It is no accident that EARTH and HEART are anagrams. If you want to know how to live in balance here, you can be helped to know that balance is MUCH simpler than you might assume, having come from the overly complex world environment we commonly experience here. Balance can be as simple as:


Just notice the creativity of life itself and listen now. Listen to your heart, your thoughts, your feelings and when you are ready - to the entire cosmos! :)


More on healing the heart for freedom

We have dipped into various nasty topics in this series so far and just like healing the body - some 'spiritual puss' will form and need to be released. Noticing the psychological and spiritual infections we are carrying is the first step, the rest is down to us and our own choices and willingness to balance. I have recently been running another post series about heart healing, which I highly recommend you read alongside this one. Here's the first post in the heart healing series..

Wishing you well, until next time!

This post is part of a series of posts - check out the others here:

  1. Introduction and a common formula for our enslavement
  2. Non physically branded as a slave by advertising
  3. The Mind Control used by shops is FAR more evil than most have yet understood.
  4. Permissions slips - We are co-creating STEEMIT to give us permission to break out of society's traps.
  5. Empirical scientific evidence: 'MOST DEBT IS VOID' And can be cancelled since the financial systems are criminal.

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul

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