How To Activate Your Mind's Propulsion Systems


Can you imagine the last time you wanted to get the hell away from something?

Maybe it was something that disgusted you (like a rotten egg in your fridge)...

Or something that seriously bothered you (like the screeching of nails on a chalkboard)...

Or maybe it was something that was literally a danger to your health (like hearing gunshots just down the hall)...

...and you had to get the hell out of there ASAP.

Can you think of something like that?

Now imagine a time when you really wanted something.

Something that you KNEW was EXACTLY what you needed.

Something that you KNEW would bring you great pleasure.

Something you were willing to put all your time, focus, and energy upon to achieve.

Can you think of something like that?

Congrats! You've just created the mental framework of a propulsion system!

What is a propulsion system you ask?

It's a motivational strategy for your mind.


You see, your mind propels itself with two opposing energies:

"The Push" and "The Pull"

You told me about "The Push" energy when I asked you about something that you wanted to get the hell away from.

It's quite familiar, isn't it?

We've all experienced the push energy.

Maybe you were broke and needed to find a way to pay rent: you were pushed to figure out an alternative way.

Maybe you were failing a class and needed to ace the test to pass: you were pushed to focus on studying.

Maybe you had felt lonely for years: you were pushed to move outside your comfort zone to meet someone new.


It is the pain - the kind that you can no longer stand to live with anyone more - which pushes us into a state of action.

This energy can be extremely useful as it gets us to do things we normally would not have done, had we not been given a little burn on our tush to make it happen.

I know for me, most of the major positive things that I've created for myself in my life, came as a result of this push.

But let us not forget about the second, equally important energy: "The Pull"

The pulling energy is the kind that ties to your heart and slings you forward into the future of your dreams.


It's that highly desirable future that you absolutely want.

Maybe it's that social platform that you've been looking for to really share your voice on (i.e. Steemit!)

Maybe it's the job that you know is exactly what you need to accelerate your career or entrepreneurial goals.

Maybe it's that guy or girl that you know deep down is the one for you.

Whatever it is, it's something that will clearly bring you much pleasure.

And with that, this energy pulls you toward it.

Twin Forces Working Together Create A Propulsion System

It's one thing to be pushed away from something.

Most of us are pushed before we actually make the decision to change.

Some of us are pulled so strongly by a desire that we are naturally inclined to move on our own.

However, the power of a propulsion system exists when we combine these elements together.

Getting the hell away from pain and moving passionately towards pleasure is how our mind propels itself.

Could you agree with that?

When we combine a push with a pull, we curate a cyclical mental motion that carves out our greatest desires on the canvas of our reality.


It's a feedback, feedforward looping system.

The feedback provides us with a reason to move away... while simultaneously we feedforward information through the pull of what we truly desire.

Utilizing both mechanisms simultaneously, provides the perfect formula for not only getting up off of our asses, but for directing our motion towards a specific and desirable outcome.

How To Create Your Own Propulsion System

Propulsion systems are easy to create, especially when you know you're ready for a change in your life.

Thankfully, there's always an abundant amount of things to move away from in our lives...

What's something that you'd really like to get away from in your life right now?

Is it a lack of money, a living situation, a relationship, something else?

What is it that is really pushing you to change in your life right now?


Now, can you give me three reasons why you'd want to get away from that thing?

You can just say these things out loud right now.

What's the number one reason you want to get away from this thing?

Okay, now what are the other two reasons for this?

Are there any other reasons why you need to get the hell away from this specific situation in your life right now?

Now, tell me where you want to go.

What does a truly, phenomenal and highly desirable future look like for you?

Let's get specific: what's a compelling outcome that relates specifically to what you're trying to get away from.

In example:

If you said you wanted to get away from your crappy 9-5 full time job, you might be pulled by the idea of being able to work from home, doing work that you love, and getting paid 5x more than your typical salary.

That's an example of a pull... what's pulling you right now?

Got one?


Great, now give me your top reason why that specific situation is pulling you?

Okay, can you give me two more reasons why you feel absolutely compelled towards this specific direction?

Are there any other reasons as to why you're being pulled towards this situation?

Great work, you've successfully completed this propulsion system!

The Law of Attraction In Action

You've likely heard of the Law of Attraction before.

If not, it's basically a concept that says, what you focus upon and think about the most, is what you attract into your life.

While I do very much agree with this system of thought, I also believe that motion or movement is a major aspect to manifesting our desires.


That motion, interestingly enough, can come directly from the things that we don't like.

This, in turn, actually allows us to see these seemingly bad things as gifts...


Because they are pushing us forward.

And when we can link that reason to move with an exciting and abundant reason to move, then we've got the Law of Attraction on steroids!

Are You Ready To Move?

If so, really hone in on that thing that you know you need to get away from.

Embrace it. Accept it. Consider that this thing is in your life for a reason.

And when you let it push you, remember to also seek out what is pulling you.

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Because in the end, you are moving for a reason.

And as my favorite mystical poet (Rumi) says:

What you seek, is seeking you!

Interested in becoming the greatest version of yourself?

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