"Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART." Expressing my thoughts - Motivational Post 4

"Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART."


Just expressing my thoughts...

In order to achieve anything in life first, we have to believe we can do it first. Without belief in our goals and dreams, the first challenging obstacle which comes in front of us will the last one. Because in most cases, we will fail because we did not have the belief in success to push us through tough times. The power of belief is incredibly strong, and it can push us through any type of obstacle in front of us. The difference between achieving our goals, and failing lies in power of our belief.

When we believe with all our hearts and souls life will have no choice but to grant us whatever our goals are in life. Will there be tough times? I am sure there will be. There will be times where we will be so exhausted, that we will be thinking of to quit altogether. This is the time where our belief in success will lift us up, and carry us through the "fog" of negative thinking. Because our hearts and souls are much stronger than any of the obstacles in front of us. If we have a strong mentality, our bodies will follow us anywhere we want to go, and to do anything, we want to achieve in life.

Being afraid of failure has killed more dreams than anything in life put together. So my fellow Steemians, stand tall in front of the face of fear. When it sees how strong our hearts and souls are, it will back down and fade away, and eventually disappear. Let's stop complaining, stop doubting ourselves, and let's stop being afraid. Instead let's start saying WE CAN, and start believing with all our hearts. It is the only way to beat our fears, and achieve our goals.

I don't know about you, but I BELIEVE IN YOU AND ME. How about you? Are you with me? Are you ready to start believing in YOU with all your HEART?

I don't expect everybody to agree with all that is written here, but if you have an argument please write in the comment section in a civilized way. I will be happy to reply. See you guys in the comment section.

Have an amazing day all,


My posts this week. I think they are worth the read. :)

My Life's Journey - Amazing day with my brother Nikola.

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war.


My Life's Journey - The unexpected gift on the horizon.


An incredible story of a man who saved 669 children from Nazi Death Camps. Must see. Expressing my thoughts - Motivational post 3



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