My Life's Journey - Unexpected gift on the horizon.

As I was working with my dad all day on rebuilding our home first time after the war I got a call from my brother Nikola about 7 pm. He asked me to come pick him about 70km(44 miles) away in the city called Kastela, so he can help us out with rebuilding Saturday. It is the city where he works and lives for the about 4 years.

I was tired and exhausted from the work today, but I am sure my brother would come to pick me up if I asked him to do so. So I sat in my car and drove 70km southeast from my hometown, Drnis. On my way there I just cranked up the music and the trip went pretty fast, as I drove a bit fast. lol Kind of figures right? If you drive fast, you will arrive fast. Don't worry guys, I am an excellent driver. At least I think so, but others not so much. lol

If you have not read the story about my home rebuilding after the war you can do so here. Just so you can catch up with the story.


So, I arrived in Kastela in about 1 hour or a bit less. I picked him, and his dog Suncica up and we started driving back to Drnis. My brother doesn't go anywhere without his dog, and I don't blame him. Simply an amazing dog. He saved it from dog shelter about 3 years ago, and it has been an irreplaceable part of his family since then. 2017-08-12-10-08-35.jpg

On our way back we talked about many subjects. You know, the man stuff. lol Listen to some music, and sang along. But at one point coming at the peak of one hill in Primorski Dolac, the gift revealed itself. We went silent. I had to pull over and make a memory of it. For me, it was breathtaking. But, you can be the judge of it. 2017-08-12-10-21-24.jpg


I always say the universe is the greatest artist. No one can match its creativity. This sunset is the proof of it. I don't think these two photos can't even describe how magnificent it really was. You have to be there, to truly experience its beauty.

After about 10 minutes, the sun sat down behind the mountain, and it was time for us to continue our journey home. We arrived in Drnis about 9 pm. Our mom prepared a dinner for us, and we spent a bit of time with her before we went to a concert of one semi-famous band called Mjesni Odbor. 2017-08-12-10-55-13.jpg

They are kind of mix of Bob Marley, reggae-jazz, type of music. They were actually very entertaining. I would post a video, but I still did not figure out how to post a video here besides uploading it on youtube channel. Anyways not to bore you too much longer, it was a great day in my books worth sharing. Tomorrow we continue on rebuiliding our home and rebuilding our heart's. Soon I will post an update on our progress.I hope you guys enjoyed the read. :)

Have an amazing day all. :)

You can follow my life journey logs using #mylifesjourney.

Here are also some of my other posts.






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