An incredible story of a man who saved 669 children from Nazi Death Camps. Must see. Expressing my thoughts - Motivational post 3

Hi, guys. I rarely share and write about something I found on youtube, but this story inspired me so much I had to do it. Incredible story. I still tear up every time I watch this video. Simply amazing. I don't think I ever saw a video and a story such as this one. Trust me guys, it is a must watch.

Sir Nicholas Winton. I think we should all remember his name. He saved 669 children by himself. Let me say it again, 669 children. Which means he saved 669 future families.So in actuality, he did not save "only" 669 children, but we need to add the children of the people he saved, and their children's, children, and so forth. The number is only going to grow as the year's pass. I bet it is double by now.

I don't think there is medal or recognition which would be enough of the reward for this guy. But, in the end, he got the best "reward" he can possibly get. I mean the moment when the host of the show says all the people who owe their Nicholas Winton to stand up. He did it know what he is in for when he turned around. I am actually tearing up just writing about it. Can you imagine how he felt when he turned around? All those people coming to thank him personally. Simply an incredible feeling just watching. I can't even imagine how he felt.

I mean this amazing person would probably be executed if the Nazi ever found out what he was doing. So, under the threat of his own death, he was saving these children one by one. The most incredible thing of all he did not say anything to anybody for so many years. I mean we would probably would not even find out about this story unless his wife gave the documents about it to the TV show. It makes me wonder how many of stories of true heroism we are never gonna know about?

I am so inspired by this story. We should all learn a big lesson from this. One person can make a difference. One man can make a HUGE difference. Life and death of 669 children kind of difference. No matter how terrible happen in war, there are such an incredible, and inspiring stories such as Nicholas Winton story. This story should be the encouragement to every single one of us.

"We can make a difference.WE CAN.

I hope this story inspired you as much as it inspired me. Please let me know what you guys think about this story?

See you guys in the comment section. Have an amazing and inspired day all. :)

My posts this week. I think they are worth the read. :)

My Life's Journey - Amazing day with my brother Nikola.

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war.


My Life's Journey - The unexpected gift on the horizon.


An incredible story of a man who saved 669 children from Nazi Death Camps. Must see. Expressing my thoughts - Motivational post 3


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