Aligned with myself & my own deep need to serve something greater. Apple CEO Tim Cook's speech at the 2017 MIT commencement.

Where is all this going?

What is my purpose?

Apple CEO Tim Cook, as he delivers the 2017 MIT commencement speech


  • Aligned with a company that brought together challenging cutting-edge work with a higher purpose.
  • Aligned with a leader who believed that technology which didn't exist yet could reinvent tommorrow's world.
  • Aligned with myself & my own deep need to serve something greater.

It was just that simple: serve humanity.

It was in that moment, after 15 years of searching, something clicked.

Tim Cook

Technology alone isn’t the solution.

And sometimes it’s even part of the problem.

Sometimes the very technology that is meant to connect us, divides us.

Tim Cook

If science is a search in the darkness, then the humanities are a candle that shows us where we’ve been, and the danger that lies ahead.

Tim Cook

The potential adverse consequences [of technology] are spreading faster & cutting deeper.

The threats to security, threats to privacy, fake news and social media that becomes antisocial.

Tim Cook

How will you serve humanity?

I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers without values & passion; without concern for consequences.

Tim Cook

How will Steemit serve humanity?

What say you Steemit community?

Your working world has changed forever.

Even if the elites choose not to end financial folly & continue to make currencies fail you now have a choice in money.

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