The Old Dog Presents: The Mundane as Art Round 9 Winners! Moss and Lichen!

This round of the Mundane as Art has seen the most participation ever! With 444 comments (so far) and almost 1,500 views I've been overwhelmed!

With Your Help We've Produced Another Spectacular Gallery!

Before we have a closer look at this weeks winning entries here's a reminder of the other galleries that you've helped to produce!    

  1. Art Exhibit of Manhole Covers!
  2. Your Photographs of Streets!
  3. Damaged Asphalt Gallery
  4. The Tree Bark Virtual Gallery
  5. Mundane Art: Stones
  6. The Mundane as Art: Grass
  7. The Mundane as Art: Rust!
  8. The Mundane as Art: Sand Patterns!

About Our Round 9 Gallery

The gallery has 20 pieces on display but it was so difficult to have to get it down to that number. Don't feel bad if you're entry didn't make it into the gallery because it probably should have!

Where is Our Gallery This Time?

You can find the gallery here for a few more days but I've also conducted a private guided tour for you!

Here Are All of The Pieces That Are in The Gallery

All of these great Steemers will be getting 1 Steem each for a total of 20 Steem!  

From left to right starting from the top down here we go:

Payments will go out in the next 24 hours so watch your wallets  and let's all continue to be amazed by the possibility of sending funds   with zero cost! The Graphene blockchains are the world's best! Fast, furious and we can scale! Feel the pride, feel the joy and experience the power of our Steem blockchain!

What Do You Think?


  • How do you like the gallery this time around?
  • Will you be participating in the next round?
  • What other mundane object would you like to see us explore as art? 

I Will be Announcing Round 10 in a Few Days so Watch For it!

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "The Mundane as Art Round 9 Winners! Moss and Lichen!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!

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