The Old Dog Presents: The Mundane as Art Round Eight. Sand Patterns!

How many grains of sand are there in the entire world? Good question and science author Robert Krulwich took a stab at answering the question in his article here.

"if you assume a grain of sand has an average size and you calculate how many grains are in a teaspoon and then multiply by all the beaches and deserts in the world, the Earth has roughly (and we're speaking very roughly here) 7.5 x 1018 grains of sand, or seven quintillion, five hundred quadrillion grains."

Seven Quintillion, Five Hundred Quadrillion Grains!

Hey, that's a lot of material with which to create art. Let's go for it! I became fascinated with the sand while strolling along the beaches of Tenerife during my visit there last week. What great memories!

In This Round we Are looking For Sand Patterns!

Here are a few Mundane Art pictures that I snapped with my phone:

Not bad, but you can do much better and I can't wait to see your creations!

Here Are a Few Examples From Our Friends at

Man oh man this round is going to be a lot of fun! I am so excited to see your pictures in our gallery!

Here's a Reminder of The Galleries That You've Already Helped Create!

1.)Art Exhibit of Manhole Covers!

2.) Your Photographs of Streets!

3.) Damaged Asphalt Gallery

4.)Tree Bark Virtual Gallery


6.) Grass

7.) Rust the contest is closed and the gallery will be up next week!

Here Are The Rules For The Contest. The Prizes Will be at Least 15 SBD!

  • One submission per person
  • If you enter a photo please also up vote this post.
  • You can create a post using the tag mundaneart but the photo must be posted in the comments here as well.
  • Feel free to use processing and editing to create a special look but I also love the natural look!
  • The photo must be your original work. Please don't use photos that you find on the internet!
  • Submissions will no longer be accepted after the post has payed out in 7 days.

I'm really looking forward to this round of our contest as you help me create another beautiful The Mundane as Art Gallery!

What Mundane Object would Like to See Featured in Round Eight? Please let me know as your comments are noted, needed and appreciated!

I hope that you enjoyed this article on "The Mundane as Art Round Eight. Sand Patterns!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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