"The Future" - DTUBE EXCLUSIVE Original Music Video - Gnash Song Challenge #10

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Steemit collaboration: music by @carlgnash | lyrics by @abh12345

1/2 the SBD payout from this post will be shared with @abh12345

We are entering the home stretch of the Gnash Song Challenge (@carlgnash/gnash-song-challenge-episode-1-hear-your-words-set-to-music-marvel-at-your-ideas-taking-sonic-flight-wonder-at-the-sheer-beauty) and from here on out we will be entering a brave new frontier of music. The aim is to melt your minds and reassemble as a colony-organism-hive-intelligence. Let me know how it feels in the comments!

From the Future Past - @abh12345 reports on the possibility of chips inserted into our brains:

Scientists are now confident that in as little as 15 years we will be able to communicate telepathically, delete memories, and install the memories of others on to our own 'Brain-chip'.

Postulating that in such a future, Steem blockchain scammers would plagiarize original thought. @cheetah may have a hard time detecting this, but that is where the communal hive mind we are building today through music comes into play! Once we are hive intelligence such chicanery will be obvious.

The Future - Music by @carlgnash - Lyrics by @abh12345 and @carlgnash

In the future we will have a chip
Fitted into, into our brain

In the future we will have a chip
Fitted into, into our brain

Which will allow us to "see"
Which will allow us to "see" or "relive" another person's memories

The memories will be cheap
The memories will be cheap

It is the selfie culture
to the logical extreme

The memories will be cheap
The memories will be cheap

And in the future the @cheetah bot will need your help
it will need a lot
Is there original thought?
Is there original thought in your head?

In the future we will have a chip
Fitted into, into our brain [repeats]

This is a different take of the same song, recorded in an alternate future past. This has a little bit more of a hazy late night feel because I was recording and singing at much lower volume, it was 3am and my wife and kids were sleeping :)

Previous Gnash Song Challenge Entries:

#1 - "Analyze My Function" w/@vachemorte


#2 - "Within Wing's Wind" w/@yahialababidi


#3 - "Big Brown Toad" w/@amberyooper


#4 - "Ode to my Crawdad" w/@dillemma


#5 - "Funk Your Feet" w/@limabeing


#6 - "To Leave a Dying World" w/@calluna


#7 - "Too Many Selfies" w/@geekgirl

#8 - "Chimichangas" w/@doctorcrypto

#9 - "Hot Out of the Oven" w/@diebitch

Visit the Gnash Song Challenge Episode 1 post to see the lyrics/song titles/song prompts submitted by the rest of the Episode 1 official entrants. I am going to make a song for every commenter who provided song lyrics, a song title or song prompt before the submissions were closed. Episode 1 will have 14 songs when all is sung and done! In no particular order, the remaining awesome participants in the Gnash Song Challenge Episode 1 are:

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