7 Oboe Concertos YOU Should Listen to this Week

It's been a while since I've done a weekly7. But, I was listening to classical radio (ish the TV station) the other day, and had the idea to make a list of 7 Oboe Concertos that I think you and your friends should listen to. The Oboe is quite beautiful, in fact, one of the most pure instruments in my opinion. I think I am going to make this a sub series of 7 Concertos featuring different instruments each week. If there's a piece you think should have been included in this list, comment it! Here are my picks for 7 Oboe Concertos YOU Should Listen to this Week:

7. Oboe Concerto No.2 in F major - František Vincenc Kramář

This is the piece I heard playing on the radio, that inspired me to make this list. Kramář does a nice job at asserting the Oboe into the piece, without over dramatizing it, or making it more significant than it needs to be. Yes, it is the featured instrument, but he made sure to include a very nice accompaniment that isn't afraid to step up when it needs to. Kramář also did a nice job at writing specifically for the oboe, utilizing its range, pure sound, and timidness to set the mood of the piece. Here is Kramář's second Oboe Concerto in F major:

6. Oboe Concerto in A minor - Ralph Vaughan Williams

Almost immediately, you can sense a difference in how the Oboe is utilized in each of these pieces. In Kramář's concerto, the Oboe was rather shy, yet melodic. In this concerto by Vaughan Williams, the Oboe has more of a dark, almost lonesome sound. It reminds me in many ways of snake charmer music. This sets this piece apart from many of the Oboe concertos I have heard, because in almost every case, I have heard a style similar to Kramář. I feel this variation really shows a unique comprehension of the instrument on Vaughan Williams part. It still sounds shy, but in this case, it is shy and sorrowful. Here is Vaughan Williams' concerto in A minor:

5. Oboe Concerto in C Major - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

When I first listened to this theme, I recognized it, thinking "Where have I heard this before?" It could have been the movie about Mozart, or it could be that it's Mozart, and much of his work sounds similar to me. But, this is another example of a composer utilizing the Oboe to obtain a unique mood. I feel that this piece is quite similar to the Kramář concerto previously listed. Except, I think Mozart's Oboe part sounds a lot more complex, and less eloquent. Mozart has a lot of runs, and a lot of trills; while Kramář has a more melodic theme with few scales. Either way, it's just a case of interpretation and ideals of what each composer wanted their piece to portray. Here is Mozart's Oboe Concerto in C Major:

4. Oboe Concerto in D Major - Richard Strauss

Strauss utilizes the Oboe in such a beautiful way in this piece. I feel the Oboe part in this concerto creates a tender mood for the piece, that is quite relaxing, while maintaining a good expressive assertiveness. I think in this piece, Strauss avoids making the Oboe too shy or too bold. I feel like it just blends in with the crowd, every now and then making distinct statements that show its dominance. Strauss obviously focused on using the accompaniment to support the Oboe, and take burden off of it, while still featuring it.

3. Double Oboe and Violin Concerto in C Minor - Johann Sebastian Bach

This piece is probably the most similar to Vaughan Williams on this list. It sounds sad, and utilizes the Oboe in a darker sense than any of the other pieces. This piece was supposedly originally written for two harpsichords, with the later substitution of an Oboe and a Violin as featured instruments. This piece is distinctly Bach though, as you can clearly hear the different lines, and how they fit together. Though the Oboe (and Violin) are featured, every melodic line is vital to the mood created by this concerto in general. Here is Bachs Double Oboe and Violin Concerto in C Minor:

2. Oboe Concerto in C Major - Antonio Vivaldi

Vivaldi was one of the early adopters of the concerto. He wrote hundreds of concertos that featured a variety of instruments, including Oboes, Bassoons, Violins, and many other instruments. This piece is not really sad or happy, it is a mixture. It is clearly baroque. Vivaldi's Oboe part is quite complex, like in Mozart's concerto. Vivaldi also does a nice job in this piece of making sure the Oboe is always featured, and that the accompaniment backs off, yet still plays a vital role when the Oboe plays. Here is Vivaldi's Oboe Concerto in C Major:

1. Oboe Concerto No. 2 in D Minor - Tomaso Albinoni

This concerto is also quite similar to the Vaughan Williams Concerto. I saw this concerto performed live (as well as the Bach Concerto)back in May, at a performance by the Vox Amadeus Baroque Ensemble. This was the first time I heard how beautiful, an Oboe wielded by a professional could be. This piece may sound a little dark, but it still has a melodic beauty unlike many other concertos. I really do like the second movement (3:55). The accompaniment sets up a special and tender song, and the Oboe embraces it to create one of the most beautiful sounds I have heard. Here is Albinoni's Second Oboe Concerto in D Minor:

All Previous Weekly7s

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7 (More) Relaxing Classical Pieces You Should Try to Listen to This Week
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7 Oboe Concertos YOU Should Listen to this Week

Thanks for reading this! Make sure to comment which of these concertos was your favorite. Also, I hope to eventually have more people posting weekly7's but with different topics, like I will almost always stick to classical music/music in general, so it would be great to see other people post weekly7s. Make sure to leave feed back and check back later!

Also remember to check for: My weekly 7 post, As Well As My Composer Birthday Posts
Come play on my minecraft server! The Ip is: SteemCraft.mcph.co

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