"5 for 2" POEM/SONG ISO MUSICIAN (Ch 6 of "I'm Not Sure How I Got Here, But I Think I Flew")

 7:55  You shower and shave,
Wondering do I really have to do this again?
8:55  and you're feeling kinda brave,
So you go on ahead and clock in.

And you work and you sweat and you bleed and you cry
And you leave in the afternoon;
A small part of you still wants to know why
... you just tell it the weekend's coming up soon.

But the weekend's gone by the time you wake up,
Monday you're back to digging that hole.
Five days a week you lie to yourself,
And two's not enough to buy back your soul.

Well there's not enough time to enjoy a life,
At least not a life that's worth dying for,
When you're so caught up in the Monday thru Friday
You've forgot the weekend's all you're really working for.

Hey 2 weeks paid vacation sounds pretty nice -
The kids and the beach and nothing to do...
But I like you kid, so take my advice;
Don't let 'em sell ya on 50 for 2 !

- 5 for 2 concept  Jeffrey Adam Laitinen, RIP friend


From "I'm Not Sure How I Got Here, But I Think I Flew
"...and Other Dreams..."    Poetry of Guy Malone

(Art/Image from Pixabay) Next: Chapter 6 - "my idea of having fun"  Follow!

Would you like to put this to music for an original Steemit release?  Holler!

(Readers and Musicians, see my earlier poems here as well)
Reflections of Friends Gone By  ~  The People vs The Man of Music  ~  Mister Wise Man

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