How to create a Song(4)try it! Anyone want to take part in a song contest?~如何作曲(四)?試試看!有人會參加小組歌曲合成比賽嗎?

I want to hold up a song creation contest by team. Why I use create song instead of compose in all my past post? Because I think we use the apps that I introduced to you in the past post is like lego. We use the blocks of sound to create a song. No need to compose by yourself.

The idea of the contest will be divided to several teams. I will give the basic chords. And the members to create the different line, after that I will invite some V.I.P. to be the judge, to decide which team is the winner.
Please feel free to tell me at the comment if you want to join. The sponsor of prize also welcomed.
Today I introduce a web App that can form a team to create a song call project. The App is Soundtrap.
今天要介紹的線上軟件,就是比賽用的可以合作一起作曲的 Soundtrap

Please register a new account! 請按JOIN NOW先申請一個帳戶!

After you finish the confirmation procedure, you will open the main page. Then click the open studio button.
當完成註冊確認程序,就會進入主頁面,然後按下OPEN STUDIO。

Same as the app soundation studio, left side is the track. The right hand side when you click the notes icon, all the sound is opened. Drag and Drop to the track. Of course you can listen it before you drop to the track.
跟以前介紹過的soundation studo一樣的使用方法,左邊是不同樂器的音軌,右邊只要按下音符按鍵就會有很多聲音塊給予選擇,當然你能夠先聽一聽效果才把那音塊拖拉去左邊的音軌。

The most important thing is export to mp3 when you finished. And upload to soundcloud.

Here is a demo, the member can design a cover too. 這裡有一首示範作品,組員可以自行設計封面。

How to create a Song(1)try it~如何作曲(一)?試試看
How to create a Song(2)try it~如何作曲(二)?試試看
How to create a Song(3)try it~如何作曲(三)?試試看

I will introduce the four main track at the next chapter, if you are interested please follow me, thx!
Finally, come to join!
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