Corruption Breeds Disease and Poverty

California Homeless And Sanitation Problems

Hundreds of cases of hepatitis A has occurred in southern California. Los Angeles has over 50,000 people living on its streets. The lack of toilets has been an ongoing problems with a 23% increase in 2017. Staggering Number Of Homeless In LA Shows How Tough It Is To Get By

A group of nonprofits called the LA Central Providers Collaborative have issued a warning about crowded living conditions on Skid Row. There has been an increase in Hepatitis A as well as other diseases, you can see this list here.

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The volunteer organization was shocked how the city, one of the most prosperous cities in America hasn’t met minimal standards and living conditions for it’s low income and homeless population. The report has stated that Los Angeles doesn’t even meet standards for a refugee camp. Overnight most public toilets are shut down leaving nine public toilets open for over 1700 people without a place to live, the report I am reading calls this group of people the “Unsheltered Homeless People.”

The United Nations refugee camp standards state there must be one toilet for every twenty people. September of 2017 Los Angeles County experienced a large outbreak of Hepatitis A throughout it’s population of homeless, drug users, gay, and bisexual men. This disease and many others are caught through touching contaminated surfaces or eating contaminated food, drinking contaminated water. The homeless have turned to shitting on the streets. You can see a pop map for San Francisco here.

Los Angeles and other cities have tried to spend the homeless problem away through higher and higher taxes. No one knows where the money has gone too. Spending has reached over $40,000 dollars per homeless person. Over $1.2 billion bond to build housing for the homeless has been held. Many people are complaining nothing will happen after years of promises and nothing has happened except tax money has disappeared. Many have stated instead of spending money and time on immigrant programs the state should focus on providing affordable housing and education for their working poor and homeless. Many of the homeless people are families that have jobs but can’t afford to buy or rent a home

Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich stated, “You have all these government programs going to illegal immigrants, “We don’t need new taxes, it’s already at a breaking point. Many high profile individuals have complained lawmakers don’t care about the homeless, they get rich off of funds from illegal immigrant and homeless programs. There is no incentive to fix overwhelmed cities and county problems.

This last year the city spent over $3 million dollars to fund of the office of Immigrant Affairs, which helps illegals legal issues. More money for lawyers and government workers but the homeless are still homeless. Over the past two years LA County spent $1.3 billion on Illegal welfare payments and the homeless population is growing along with the threat of infectious diseases.

Over in the town of San Diego streets are power washed with bleach every 2 days along with a new facility for people to wash staffed by outreached workers and mobil restrooms and hand washing stations for large tent cities

Governor Jerry Brown last October declared a state of Emergency, over 649 people people have contracted hepatitis A, 417 were hospitalized and there were 21 deaths. San Diego is hosing it’s sidewalks down with bleach to try and stop the spread of diseases from people shitting and peeing everywhere and all food services workers and first responders must be vaccinated.

If you have read my series on the history of vaccines you will see how poor living conditions, lack of clean water and nutritious food breeds disease. As I researched I started seeing a pattern of poverty stemming from corrupt governments, institutions, and corporations.

Where Did The First Anti Vaxxers Come From?

History Of Vaccine Series-Seven

History Of Vaccine Series-Six

History Of Vaccine Series-Five

History Of Vaccine Series-Four

History Of Vaccine Series-Three

History Of Vaccine Series-Two

History Of Vaccine Series-One

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