One photo every day: Bridge of Tönnö (10/365)


We had a game night today, but since there were just me and @markkujantunen attending. After a couple games, we decided to take a drive and see some places we could take photos of. (With mobile phones of course, I didn't have my Canon with me while playing.)

We headed to see the town Orimattila, and on the way we stopped few times along the way to shoot some pictures. My battery was dying so I didn't have time for too many shots, and from those I took, this was the only one I wasn't too embarrassed to show. The lighting was a bit too harsh although it was already 10 pm, and the light dynamic on my Jolla C isn't really up to taking these kinds of pictures. So this shot is what we will have to deal with now. ;)

Hopefully Markku has had better luck with his cameraphone. I bet he will be uploading some photos soon, if not as I write this.

Oh, and when I came back to the club room to clean up, I found out Markku had forgotten his beer bottle in the freezer, and it had exploded. (I should have photographed it, but sadly my battery died, and I kind of forgot too when we started cleanin up.)

Well, it's really late now so I'll be going to bed so that I'll wake up for the courses tomorrow.

Better photos tomorrow hopefully. Heh.

[Previous post: 444 followers!!! Wo0HoOo!!!]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:
365 followers? Okay. (1/365)
Kiemurainen (2/365)
Game of Go in our club, Saarto (3/365)
Bulldog statue (4/365)
Linnanmäki / Borgbacken (5/365)
The Ashtray (6/365)
Our bookshelf + Squiggles' home (7/365)
Vesijärvi lakescape (8/365)
Sweet'n'Sour Chicken tastes GOOOD! (9/365)

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