One photo every day: A Game of Chess (173/365)

The Knight

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/2.5
Exposure:  1/60 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I don't know if it's just me, but the English naming of the Chess pieces seems a bit wrong. Although I don't think the "Bishop" (that looks like a knight) should be "a delivery boy", "messenger" or a "courier" either. ;)

The Finnish names for the pieces are "Kuningas" (King), "Kuningatar" (Queen), "Lähetti" (Courier), "Hevonen" (Horse), "Torni" (Tower), and "Sotilas" (Soldier). In olden times we used to call the Pawn as "Nihti" which also means Knight. (So we have gone a bit astray in the naming too.)

A little detail that I didn't know about Chess is, that its name, at least the one we use in Finnish; "Shakki" comes from the Persian word "šāh" (shah) which means "king".

But hey, it's a fun game to play, although I do prefer Go (Weiqi) over Chess. Miro is quite fascinated with Chess for some reason so he often asks me to play it. He's even quite good at it.

Btw. Sorry for the late posting of this, as I had dropped out cold on the sofa last night and woke up at 2 am, hadn't edited the photo yet, and writing this post took quite a bit longer than I thought it would.

More photos of this game of Chess on Flickr.

See you again soon!

Edit: Just noticed I had written the title wrong, as "one post every day", LOL. Corrected now.

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[Previous post: One photo every day: Distortion (172/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



a Penguin and 2 Kuksas (166/365)
Gryffindor / Rohkelikko (167/365)
Since I've been so busy this week, this evening I'm having a break with my wife, and some dark beer. (168/365)
Three caballeros (169/365)
Candle lanterns (170/365)
Finally (171/365)
Distortion (172/365)

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