OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 7 - Austen Ballard

Week 7 - 'Right Place and/or Right Time' (lyrics below)

"I Hope You Love All of My Sh!t"

Before I get into anything about this week's song, I have to give a huge thanks and shout out, once again, to @meno and @passion-ground for both giving my Week 6 song a spot on their Top 5.

( meno's post / passion-ground's post )

I can't fully express how happy I am at the positive reception these two judges, and the Open Mic community at large, have given to my music. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Follow @luzcypher and @meno to stay up-to-date about the Steemit Open Mic & Songwriters Challenge!

Staying on Track

The backing track I added to last week's song seemed well-received (thanks to everyone who suggested I do it!) so I've gone the same route this week, composing drums and synth elements to back up my live piano part. It's a lot of fun mixing pre-composed and live performed elements in this way, and - to give credit where credit is due - I couldn't do it without the amazing piece of technology that is Ableton Live. I won't go into exceedingly nerdy detail, so suffice it to say that no other DAW makes it so easy to do so much before, during, and after a live performance than Ableton. If you're not using it, I HIGHLY recommend you check it out. There's a new version coming out soon.

Click here to see this week's entries in the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge!


Week 7 - 'Right Place and/or Right Time'

Is this the top of the bottom or the bottom of the top
And howd I end up here?
The way that everybodys looking at me
Makes me want to disappear

I know Im in the right place at the wrong moment
Always falling far behind
Never changing pace
'til Im waiting in the wrong place at the right time

Is this the end of the beginning
Or is it all coming to a close?
The way that everybodys talking lately
Makes me wonder if it shows

That I know Im in the wrong place at the right moment
Wishing I was up ahead
Staying in the race
til Im standing in the right place at the wrong time instead

Thanks for listening! Leave a comment if you liked my song :)

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