OFFICIAL: Songwriters Challenge | @passion-ground's Top-5 Entries for Week 6

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This week’s theme was “Special Delivery.” It brought about a rather well-rounded, dynamic, intense, and quite entertaining array of interpretations from my list of 10 gifted artists who put their incredible wares out on the line this week. So, without further ado, here they are!

Song Writers Challenge: Week-6 (Special Delivery)

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My Process

Aside from a few key category modifications (and dynamic forks) with regard to scoring and awarding points to the entrants of the Songwriters Challenge, I am basically using very similar methods to arrive at my picks and honorable mentions as I do in the general Open-Mic contest.

To get a more in-depth perspective as to how I personally go about selecting my artists, please refer to What I go through as an Open-Mic Judge.

My Top-5 Picks in Order

FIRST PLACE: @ausxen - “Special Delivery”

Austen's rendition of "Special Delivery" is simply phenomenal in that no matter how hard one may try, one simply cannot discern that this theme was thrust upon him when listening to this most incredible composition that he's penned. He's created this thematic marvel out of nowhere - but he has done so as though he had planned on writing it all along - that's pure freakin' magic, no matter which way you slice it, man! I'm so glad I gave him the Golden-Mic Award last week, I truly am - his "Special Delivery" performance this week only serves to confirm that my initial instincts as to Austen's musical prowess were indeed very well grounded! This rather brilliant and creative performance was indeed "the shit" by every possible measure! As such, Sir Austen has found himself in my number one slot for a second consecutive week! Keep rockin' it, Austen - and don't back down!

SECOND PLACE: @kayclarity – “Special Delivery”

Kay took this week’s theme as an opportunity to express the universal and familiar pain that we all feel when we are heartbroken over a lost love. She has adeptly woven her lyrics around waiting for a letter from her lost love, which captures the essence of the theme rather effectively. The rest of her story is melodically told thru her wonderful emotion-filled vocals and guitar playing. It is a sad and painful song but within it, radiates the beauty of a sensitive heart and soul; something many of us can readily identify with.

THIRD PLACE: @vera.carla – “I Don’t Like You Anymore”

In contrast to Kay’s interpretation, Vera opted to create a more playful and whimsical composition to capture the essence of this week’s theme. Perched on a tennis court with birds chirping and a dog roaming around in the background, she sits comfortably with her Uke, and tells us in the loveliest of melodies and accompanying vocals just why she doesn’t like being forced into writing a song. How ironic, and wonderfully entertaining! Oh, and an Owl came in right on cue at the very end to mark the final answering measure of this short and extremely sweet entry.

FOURTH PLACE: @anniemacleod – “Special Delivery”

When we came up with this theme, in the back of my mind I wondered how many artists would interpret “delivery” in the most literal of reproductive terms. Well, I didn’t have to wait long as Annie Macleod stood and delivered her rather unique interpretation of “Special Delivery” in honor of two of her most special deliveries – her daughters. Before she gets there though, she takes us on an enchanting lyrical journey from her youth, which sets the stage for sharing with us her two most profound and precious gifts – the arrival of her two daughters. With each and every chord, melody, and strum, the nurturing nature within Annie is crystal clear and quite beautiful. Her playful smile and chuckle at the very end was simply icing on the cake for me.

FIFTH PLACE: @senzenfrenz – “World War 3 (Special Delivery)”

What can I say, I love this guy! If I’m not mistaken, I believe that he is a music teacher in Germany, and he is quite talented and diverse in his musical skills and creative abilities. Fortunately, for each and every one of us, he’s taken quite a fancy for the Open-Mic venue here on Steemit! Here in week #6 of the songwriters challenge, he graces us with his interpretation of “Special Delivery,” which takes on somewhat of an anthem-like dark 80’s or 90’s musical feel coupled with lyrics warning of the largess of the “State” running amok in its never-ending quest to grow ever-larger and imposing its will upon the people to whom they should be serving vs. relentlessly trying instead to control vs. nurture. At least that’s my take on it anyway… Nonetheless, this is a spectacular creative interpretation of this week’s theme, and for that amongst many other reasons, I could not help but place my dear friend, @senzenfrenz within my top-5 picks for this week’s challenge.

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My Top-5 Honorable Mentions in order:

First: @pechichemena – “Momentos / Moments”

Second: @onetruebrother – “Special Delivery”

Third: @basilmarples – “Special Delivery”

Fourth: @joseacabrerav – “Etnerega Especial / Special Delivery”

Fifth: @wilins – “Entregamos / We Deliver”

Thank you for reviewing my selections for this week’s Songwriters Challenge. Thanks so much as well for up-voting and re-steeming this post in order to help spread the word that Open-Mic and its subsidiaries are clearly taking Steemit by storm and that the Open-Mic brand shall remain a collective people-oriented force of love and artistry to be reckoned with on every level of measure.

Peace, Love, and Justice for All

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