STEEMIT Open Mic Week 59 - Mediocre - Original Song by @chrisroberts

I'm back with another original this week

I think this one could go platinum! (I don't really know what go platinum means) Nope, to tell you the truth, it's probably quite Mediocre. But that's fine. Here goes.


Some say “It’s a curse,
Oh God, it’s the worst.
How can I persevere?”
But I know where I stand
And I am what I am;
My destiny’s always been clear.

Mediocre, mediocre, it's always been so,
Met with indifference wherever I go
Won't catch me headlining some big music show
'Cause I'm mediocre as hell.

I wrote me a dissertation on a scientific proof,
Thought it was groundbreakin’, but you all know the truth,
It was mediocre, and I looked like a goof
To the greater scientific community.


In first grade at the talent show, I danced my best routine,
The sequins on my sparkly pants, they made quite a scene,
Well let’s just say, I wish that day, that all they were was mean,
Cause I wasn’t good, and I wasn’t bad, I was somewhere in between,


Mediocre, Mediocre, I’ve never been the best
That’s the one thing I’ve in common with almost all the rest.
You can’t expect to find perfection; don’t make it your quest.
Just be mediocre with me.

One Sunday I wrote a song for Steemit Open Mic,
I knew a few were bound to view, but none were bound to like,
Cause being mediocre is like riding a bike,
And riding a bike is something I can do.


If you thought that was delightfully mediocre, here's some other songs I've written in the last couple months. Prepare to be meh.

There's Nothing Good On Facebook Anymore - An Original Country Song
The Conspiracy Song - An Original Country Song
Broke Again - An Original Country Song
Steem It! - A Parody of Michael Jackson's Beat It

As always, the inspiration for this song and this post were provided by Steemit Open Mic. Huge thanks to @luzcypher and @pfunk!


Let's take back Mediocrity!

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